We have Good years, and Bad years.
A good Winter, a bad Winter. Wet Spring, Dry Spring. Hot Summer, Cool Summer. As compared to what ? The 50 or 75 years we've kept records ?
We have X number of Hurricanes one year. Then we have Y number the next. As compared to What ? A few years of record keeping. If we had only 2 Hurricanes one year, that hit land.. That would be The Worst Hurricane Season on record.. Based on Damage done. IMO the Worlds weather, and it's effect on Mankind, is all about the Dollar.
Bad seasons= Bad Crop years= World Disaster.
The Hole in the Ozone. Was it ALLWAYS there ? A part of the issue, no one likes to talk about.
I happened to be in Antarctica when the NSF discovered it, in the 70's. The buzz was: No one had ever looked at the Southern part of the atmosphere before, because of it's remoteness. No records or data. Had it ALLWAYS been there.. ? No one knew. But from that day forward.. We have HOLE in the Ozone layer. (Chicken Little media slant: The Sky has a HOLE in it![]()
, thing)
Still... A Questionable Scientific find, in my mind.
(We all just figured.. it was where the Planet took a Dump from.)
We're simply in a Global Weather Cycle, and probably will be for a few more years. There's Geological proof that this kind of thing has happened before. But 10s of thousands of years of Geological proof doesn't sell Air Time. 50 0r 75 years of record keeping does.
I ain't worried. Hope you all aren't either.

Another wise old man, telling it, like it is.
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