My mechanic told me & through ready about F series diesles my HPOP is leaking back into the oil pan. Sometimes the truck won't start because hpop is dry or it will start but won't run long & won't restart without putting oil inthe hpop. So my ? is if it is syphon tube how hard is it to fix & does anyone know where there are instructions on line
There are a few possibilities, but you have to be specific.
When you know you have a no/ hard start condition, you must check the reservoir BEFORE you crank it. Once you've tried to start it after it sat, the information is worthless.
If the reservoir is empty BEFORE you crank it, you have a bad gasket under the reservoir bowl. No big deal. Change the gasket. You have a standpipe in the reservoir that prevents drainback. The only exit to the pan IS the gasket in your model year truck. Here is an example of the gasket
If the reservoir is full before you crank it and it doesn't start, the problem is on the high pressure side ie: IPR, leak, etc.
If the reservoir is full before you crank it and it DOES start, but only for a few seconds and then the reservoir is empty, then you have a bad block standpipe check valve or bad low pressure oil pump.
If filling the reservoir fixes it and the truck runs perfectly the rest of the day, clean out the check valve pocket- it's next to the oil pump in the block- square head drive pointing straight down on the driver's side of the oil pump behind the reservoir. Your LPOP is just loosing prime after sitting in this case.
So as you can see, your symptoms the way you described them were like saying I'm hot and cold at the same time.
won't start because hpop is dry or it will start but won't run long
Those are two completely different issues and require different fixes. I doubt two of the above is wrong at the same time.
HPOP/ reservoir instructions.
Hope that helps.