how to do ebpv gutting and aih deletein


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Cora, Wy
this is what i was refering to as far as the pedestal modification to me the way it is explaining it if you remove the piston it would starve the turbo baring for oil? mabey im just not reading it right.....
If you simply plug the hole and leave the sensor plugged in, you may cause yourself the loss of a turbo from lack of oil flow. Let me explain. The same feed port that feeds the turbo bearing is feeding the EBV piston. There is one supply port and one return port in the pedestal. When the EBP sensor sends the signal to the pedestal to shut the valve,which is not there in this case, the oil dumps off to the return port in the pedestal with no resistance. This is the same return port as the one for the turbo. The piston separated the two when it is was properly used from the factory. Basically, while the valve is being actuated or attempted to in your case the turbo gets no oil or very little. The turbo bearing is the highest place in the engine for oil to travel and it will follow the path of least resistance. If you remove this piston in the pedestal, you MUST not allow computer control of the valve any longer. You must disconnect the sensor from the pedestal. Yes, you will get a code (not a light) telling you the valve is non-operational, but it's the only way to do it.

The little snippet is straight from Dieselsites page on the Non-ebp pedestal they have offered for 135.00. If you do the procedure I outlined above in my previous post then you remove the piston from the pedestal and that whole cavity is filled with oil and you wont starve the brgs on the turbo, at least I have not heard of a case of that happening yet.

Heres a few pics on my turbo on the bench while I was in a rebuild and you can see the arm hole already tapped ready for the plug.


SDD Junior Member
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
Renton, Wa
Thanks guy's,
Looks like I've got a little bit of work to do. Not too bad though. I guess I've just been lucky the piston hasn't moved, because my turbo is spooling normal. I've got about 10K miles on it since I gutted the EBPV, and cut the actuator rod.

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