That would be because the popular media has been having so much fun finding everything wrong with, and bashing, America, that having even a moment's worth of time to remind us the price that has been paid to give them that right is too much to ask. We so easily forget the reasons that America has found to come to action, and so readily decry and lament the results of her actions once the reasons for them are forgotten.
We have already forgotten about 9/11, for pete's sake, why the heck would you expect anybody in the media to remember Pearl Harbor, unless it was to use the opportunity to open a segment on how evil America was when they interned all of the Japanese Americans during WWII in the internment camps? Or to put forth the conspiracy theory that Roosevelt knew the attack was coming and did nothing, because he wanted to go to war?
We spend hours each night hearing about how horribly those poor, innocent young men at Gitmo are treated by the bloodthirsty and evil Marines there, and hear nothing about how these absolute bastards are the same men that bomb women and children, blow up buildings, and would gladly die, if they were given the opportunity, to kill just one American, all in the name of (their)God. We hear nothing about the Marines that are "Over There" putting the hurt on these absolute bastards, and keeping us all safe from them as best they can. We hear nothing about the American soldiers that spend freezing cold nights on some hill in Afganistan to keep an eye on a cave entrance so that they can continue to capture and erode the networks of absolute bastards that continue to hurt us.
No, all we hear about is the horrific, cruel treatment that we are putting these bastards through. That the fact that they are beheading people "Over There" is overlooked is inevitable. That some idiot kids, put in a bad situation, put them through what amounts to no more than a spirited FRATERNITY PRANK is what we look at, because it makes America look bad. Allowing Americans to realize that these men are insane murderers, not innocent babies, would give our efforts legitimacy, and legitamacy does not get ratings.
No, Pearl Harbor is not big news, because it is a symbol of one of those moments that brought America to greatness through trials. The Japs did, indeed, awaken a sleeping giant, as did Al-Qaeda. However, last time around, the sleeping giant was not sabotaged by forces from within. THis time, we all need to do our part to make sure that these sabotuers are not given any regard.
God bless our fighting men and women, throughout history. God bless those souls who went out fighting for, instead of complaining about, the greatest country in history.