How much Mod should I do?


Apr 1, 2005
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Redding, CA
95_stroker said:
Ditto Tom, I am in no way saying Bob is F.O.S. But what I am saying is that there are guys out there trying stuff and I am attentively watching and awaiting the results. This is how we evolve these diesels we love so much. Someone says you cannot do things and someone tries and succeeds. Remember the injector storm over at that place a few years ago, it was said that you could not build an inexpensive injector for the 7.3L. Well, now there are several inexpensive options on the market.

Very true. :thumbs


Full Access Member
Apr 4, 2005
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Havascrew Arizona
Does anyone have an idea of what the static pressure is when pulling the air through the radiator, intercooler and tranny cooler?

I was looking at the Fluidyne 16" fans which flow 2197cfm at .00" of static pressure, but add some pressure.... and whoa .... .60" of pressure and it drops down to 518cfm...

Now that is at over 2000rpm's and I found it interesting that Fluidyne has in their FAQ's that anything over 30mph is flowing more air than the fan can pull...

Which leads me to several questions...

How come then our fans will still lock up at times of heavy stess, even if we are moving at a high rate of speed?

Is it really adding to the amount of air already moving through the radiator?

When was the last time I heard mine lock up?

Even here in Hell... ummmm I mean Havasu, where like today it hit 121°, The fan never locked up while I was driving around town... just the amount of normal friction moved enough air, or air coming through while moving, moved enough air to keep it cool... but an electric that moved more air all the time, would or should make the AC ice cold, and keep it cooler....

I have read that the stock fan moves 5700-5900 cfm... I am assuming that is locked up... but as fluidyne has pointed out ... at speeds over 30mph there is more air passing through everything than the fan can pull.... So what does the stock fan do, cfm numbers, in its normal setting of just friction spin...??

I have a hypothises that goes like this... I think that the electric fans pull more air than the stock does in its normal unlocked position.... even with the high Static air pressure... So... by pulling more air at low speed times it should keep the truck cooler and not allow it to heat as hot as quickly... because normally the stock fan isn't doing much until it gets hot....

Does this make sense?

SO......A couple of 16" or 18" fans pulling 1000-3600cfm at .60"- .20" static air pressure....are doing more than the stock pulling 0-200cfm..


Mar 28, 2005
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Cora, Wy
I agree with everything you are saying DM, but as I stated above, I dont wanna use my rig as a beta tester, so I will patiently sit on the side lines and await the results. I will draw my conclusions later in the year.


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Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
TheAlaskan is running twin electric fans on his truck and he's an intercooled obs psd and he's well into the diesel drag scene in alaska. in anchorage where he's a the temps are in the mid 70's -80's in the summer granted that's not quite the 100+ that's seen in the deserts but you're getting rather close.

I think the removal of the fan is a 2 fold benefit to the OBS trucks we have a very heavy all steel fan that's extra weight on the waterpump and most of the failures i've seen are related to the bearings and seals on the front of the waterpump so if you take the 10# fan off then you prolog the waterpump's life in addition to getting.

As far as comparisions for what things take to run the superduty fan is a lighter plastic fan which has less inherent drag when not engaged the heavier OBS fan is going to create more drag simply due to the added weight.


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Apr 4, 2005
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Havascrew Arizona
It's funny, because I have never thought about running an electric fan before I saw this thread.... but It now has me thinking about running a pusher in the front to help keep the AC ice cold while running around town in stop and go traffic.

The only time I remember hearing mine lock up was pulling this big ol' 30' enclosed trailer that acted like a wind dam behind the truck...


I'm with you ... I don't think I will be doing the full fan removal to my truck any time soon... especially with the heat we get here.... But for some of the guys with the OBS trucks and no intercoolers, I think this might be a really good mod.


Mar 28, 2005
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Cora, Wy

Is there room between the grill and the condensor for a pusher fan on the SD's? And I think if JOAT over at TDS doesnt fry his engine or tranny this summer, I will most likely pull my fan completely for the winter. Shoot, thats from Oct till May or so here in Wyoming. That will give me a good eval time and if things look peachy, I might leave it off for the summer. By then one of the lab rats will have homed in on the right fan/switching combo for us too.


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Apr 4, 2005
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Havascrew Arizona
there's room enough for one of the fuidyne fans... depth wise...

I would have to measure to see how large of diameter it could fit.

We use the fluidyne on the race truck for all of our coolers... two of the big 14" ones on the radiator and 10" ones on the three oil coolers. I can honestly say we have never had a fan failure on the race truck. Even at times when the coolers have been covered up with silt and grime, and even the fans are full of silt, they continue to go...

My big thing is the cooler AC... smokey over at TDS used to tell how he had a special lock up for his and when letting it idle in a parking spot he could lock it up to hav eit pull more air and his AC would be ice cold... If I could do that with an electric it would be awesome... Yesterday I was trying to get as much airflow as possible.

On Edit:

You can't really read the picture I posted... it was a acreen capture from accuweather.... Our high yesterday was 123°
Last edited:


Apr 30, 2005
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Southern Minnesota
I really think there has to be a good enough electric fan out there for cooling these trucks. The 644 John Deere loaders we have at work have electric fans only. They are reversible to blow the radiator clear when they get dirty. They blow enough air to cool engine coolant, engine oil, hydrolic oil, intercooler, and a/c. They are BIG loaders not toys (2 scoops to fill a 10 to 12 yard dump truck). I too would like to see it work on somebody elses truck first though. :sorry

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