Hoss 350


Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
MIL? mine arrives in the next few weeks to stay until the end of May! Come back Hoss I feel your pain, and miss going to sleep reading your 70 paragraph posts. :tounge

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I'm all teary eyed. Thanks for caring, and for missing me while I've been gone!. :thanks

It is kind of odd that it was just yesterday that you guys missed me, and it was this morning that i finally got a chance to come back on and say hey to make sure everyone was doing good. It's like one of those coincidences or something.

To sum up in less than 400 words, I'm wiped out. I'm sorry that i haven't been coming over to visit any more than i have been, but since early January, I have been the on-site project manager for a PAC-10 Stadium remodel and renovation in Pullman, Washington, Home of the WAZZU COUGS, my alma-mater, and a place that i truly love to be.

There is a catch. Pullman is almost 2 hours drive from my house. I'm commuting every day so I don't have to be away from my family, and so my alarm goes off at 4:15 every morning, so I can leave by 5 to be at work by 7, work a 9-10 hour day, get home at 7, eat dinner, and then fall asleep on the couch watching the news at about 8:30.

Things are starting to slow down a little, so I am figuring that i can roll back to a standard 8 hour day before much longer, so that will help, but right now, I am so busy (and the harder I push, the behinder I get) that I don't have time to chat or to come say hi anymore.

I don't want to post a whole bunch about the project itself, since that is not my place to describe WSU Athletics' projects on a public forum, but I can assure you that we have our top men on this thing and we're hoping it will really be awesome when we're done.

To top it all off, I just spent most of yesterday on airplanes, and didn't get in until 2:00 this morning, so I could sleep for 2 hours and then get up to come to work. That's why I'm here right now. I'm so rummy that I'm afraid to do any work for fear of screwing it up.

I figure about June I'll be back in full force and I'll write and essay or two for Scarlet Nape to enjoy.

In the mean time, thanks for your support and for caring. I'll try to come say hi more often. :sweet

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Didn't he just move his MIL up there with him?:eek: :doh:
Yeah, but I just got her moved out, which was another drain on my time and sanity. She bought a nice place not far from where we live, she's great to have around to look after the kids (the youngest of which is in my aavatar :roflmao ) while I'm out and about. She likes to come over and cook for us, too. She is a great lady


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
Yeah, but I just got her moved out, which was another drain on my time and sanity. She bought a nice place not far from where we live, she's great to have around to look after the kids (the youngest of which is in my aavatar :roflmao ) while I'm out and about. She likes to come over and cook for us, too. She is a great lady

oh geeze, i feel for you mine is close but cant cook :eek: :eek:
and she DONT visit :thumbs :thumbs
glad to hear your living large and making a buck.


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