I will try to get the codes, but not sure I can, and no my light isnt on, it has never came on and told me I had a problem, It lights up at start as normal though, I'll check the fuel pump that way too, but when I turn my key on I have always had a buz in the (pump?) on the passenger side of the wall under the hood, it has been getting louder and staying on longer lately though, it is so loud now that it is hard to hear anything else until it shuts off. What is it called and what does it do?,I think it might be a pump of some kind not sure though. When I first had the start problem I checked the oil in the reservoir it was fine, but I checked this morning and had to put in about a quart, I guess I should let you all know my truck has been down for about 2 months and had several people look at it,( NON-Deisel guys) so far none has figured out anything, I live in Live Oak, Florida and my brother in law is trying to help me with it right now, he used to be a mechanic on gas cars, a long time ago, and we would sure appricate any help we can get, if there is anyone close by. I really appreciate all this help from you guys, I'm stating to feel like I'm getting somewhere, and not as dumb as I thought I was.