hole in steel line leading from?sensor

Got Diesel

Engineering College Boy
Sep 28, 2005
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I would say the reason it is usually so hard to start is the compression. With that many miles congrats. You will just have to deal with hard starts. I don't think that will keep it from starting at all.

Check the UVC gaskets and jsut make sure nothing there is wrong. Usually they are burnt up. I am also gonna say drain your fuel bowl, and turn the key on, make sure the fuel pump is pumping. The start checking the ICP, and maybe the HPOP.

When you try and start it does it smoke at all? Maybe also try a new CPS.


SDD Junior Member
Dec 6, 2006
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Will check gaskets tomorrow, great idea on fuel bowl, wish I had of thought of that sooner, been wondering if it could be the fuel pump. No smoke at all, and no fuel smell either even if I pump gas pedal. I thought about cps and checked to see if the tac moved when I turned it over, it moves just a tiny bit, not sure what it's supposed to do but read about doing that here on the forums.

Got Diesel

Engineering College Boy
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Check and makes sure you are getting fuel. The no smoke at all, makes me feel like you don't. Your either not getting fuel or you not getting it delivered to the cylinders.


Earl needs B100
Apr 6, 2005
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Welcome to SDD!:sweet

First, if you could get the code numbers that the guy pulled with the scan tool that would be helpful. Is the Service Engine Soon light on?

I doubt the hole in the EBP tube is causing your no start but that does need to get fixed.

Check to see if you have fuel like already stated, you can also listen for it. Turn the key on but don't start, immediately stick your head under the vehicle and you should be able to hear the pump humming. I can hear mine with the door open.

Also check to see if the high pressure oil pump reservoir is full, it's the recangular piece that the plastic Powerstroke cover bolts to. There's an allen head plug on the top, oil should be about an inch down. Also the HPOP is prolly what you think is the ICP pump. If the level is low you could have a bad low pressure oil pump or cracked pickup tube. If the level is fine the you need to see how much high pressure oil to fire the injectors is building during cranking. You need to get a hose and gauge rated at 5000psi or use a scan tool and see what the ICP sensor is reading. You need about 500psi for it to start.

Start with that for now. Also you may want to post where you are if there are any members here that could lend a hand.:)


SDD Junior Member
Dec 6, 2006
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I think your right there, thats definatly part of the problem. This morning I found out what has been draining my batteries down, seems I have a short in my auxzilery tank pump, It was run this morning with the switch off, I jiggled it and it quit. I am finding a lot of problems, to fix while trying to get it to start. LOL! Thanks


SDD Junior Member
Dec 6, 2006
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I will try to get the codes, but not sure I can, and no my light isnt on, it has never came on and told me I had a problem, It lights up at start as normal though, I'll check the fuel pump that way too, but when I turn my key on I have always had a buz in the (pump?) on the passenger side of the wall under the hood, it has been getting louder and staying on longer lately though, it is so loud now that it is hard to hear anything else until it shuts off. What is it called and what does it do?,I think it might be a pump of some kind not sure though. When I first had the start problem I checked the oil in the reservoir it was fine, but I checked this morning and had to put in about a quart, I guess I should let you all know my truck has been down for about 2 months and had several people look at it,( NON-Deisel guys) so far none has figured out anything, I live in Live Oak, Florida and my brother in law is trying to help me with it right now, he used to be a mechanic on gas cars, a long time ago, and we would sure appricate any help we can get, if there is anyone close by. I really appreciate all this help from you guys, I'm stating to feel like I'm getting somewhere, and not as dumb as I thought I was.


CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
Apr 11, 2005
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Da U.P.
komasands said:
but when I turn my key on I have always had a buz in the (pump?) on the passenger side of the wall under the hood, it has been getting louder and staying on longer lately though, it is so loud now that it is hard to hear anything else until it shuts off. What is it called and what does it do?

That sounds like it'd be your electric vacume pump. Vacume is necessary for the heating, defrosters and A/C. It is also used for the automatic locking hubs on the front axle for the 4wd system. The automatic hubs have always been known to be a piece of crap and the the best thing to do is to replace them with some manual ones. If they go bad and cause a vacume leak, when you go into 4wd, it can actually cause your air to only blow out of only the windshield defroster outlets.

If your vacume pump is really loud, it's likely it's going bad.


SDD Junior Member
Dec 6, 2006
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Well Tail Gunner it could be my vacuum pump and probally is going bad, but I don't have 4WD, it's a 2WD 99 lariat and the heat, air and defrost work great when it runs, it does have some flimsy hose's attached to it.
I've been seeing something on the other posts about a California? I have the one that was manufactured in 11/99, it's different from the ones in 12/99. I was told this was a test version with a catalatic converter and they decided not to manufacture this model anymore because the convertor pulled the power or fuel milage down, or something like that, anyways I know when I but some parts I have to tell them when it was manufactured because some parts for the other 99's won't work on mine (like the air filter is different). anyway I was wondering if maybe I have a California Truck? I know how California is tough about smog control. I bought it used with 60,000 on it, in 2002. anyone know what I'm talkin about?


Mar 28, 2005
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Cora, Wy
I'm hanging up on the starting fluid comment, just for future reference dont use starting fluid on an engine equipped with a glow plug system.

I am currently leaning towards a faulty glow plug relay OR glow plugs themselves are shot. Do you get any smoke at all when cranking?

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