Hipp- err, I mean, Grizzly Man...


Waylon Fan
Mar 14, 2006
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They ran the recording of him and the girl actually getting devoured on ogrish.com early on. For maybe 3 days. I heard it. It was awful. I saw the movie and was left with the impression this guy was a closet homosexual who couldn't come to grips with that fact. And I gotta say, I was howling watching this crap. Then again, I thought "About Schmidt" was funny.Hhmm..starting to see why the Mrs. doesn't like going to the movies with me.


Feb 14, 2006
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Wyoming, U.S.A.
This guy was a raving lunatic!!! I watched the movie , too out of pure curiosity. The guy was "playing" with foxes like Mr. Nature Boy and they'd do something he didn't like (one stole his hat and took it to it's den). After that he was "(F) this and (F) that, you little (Fer)". Not to mention he acclimated both the adults and pups to human presence, so they could walk up to the next human they see and get shot point blank, that's helping out the critters. Great roll model for naturalists!
The crazy would then hang around 1100lb. plus meat eating bears and at times be 20 ft away from them. (Grizzlies can run 40 mph and cover 20 ft. in a split second.) I hunt elk near Yellowstone National Park, right in the middle of grizzly country. I haven't seen one hunting yet, but I've crossed tracks. Let me tell you, the hair stands up on the back of your neck and the horses go crazy!!!:eek:

Hoss 350 said:
While billing himself as a person there to “protect” the bears, he managed to lodge himself in the middle of the worlds largest bear preserve, the middle of a National Park, where hunting or otherwise harassing the bears is illegal, and (this one is important, so I am going to put it in bold) POACHING IS NON-EXISTENT!!! . So in the end, he was there to “protect” bears that were already protected in any way the word could possibly be defined.

This is true. But don't let the media fool you. Bears are protected in National Parks, but so is everything else. Even cottontail rabbits. You can't hunt bears yet in the lower 48 because they're "endangered" ONLY HERE.(I think 800 bears is the latest population estimate in the lower 48.) There are tons of them in Canada and Alaska. You can hunt them 'till your hearts content, but you have to get a permit to bring the hides back down here because of their protected status. The wolves are the same deal. Down here they're "endangered", but in Alaska and Canada (might need a license here) you can shoot them on site because there are so many of them. In Alaska they have Govt sponsored "shoots" to help the moose population.(The "Tree Huggers" are taking them to court to stop these hunts.) They released a few in 1995 near Yellowstone, now there are over 1100 in 4 states, and spreading. The media also failed to make it clear that before the release, there were already wolves in Northern Montana, Minnesota and Michigan's Upper Peninsula. What a mess. Now the states and sportsmen are required to foot the bill for wolf management. Wyoming spent $2.2 million last year and the Feds rejected our management plan because we wanted to treat the wolves as "predators" and allow them to be shot on site. They should be treated as predators. They kill livestock and the average wolf pack can kill up to 250 elk a year. That's a lot!!! I can only kill one by law!!! And don't think it's only sick and dieing. They ravage the calf crop every year. Elk that haven't even had a chance to grow. IMHO we should leave bears an wolves dead here. They killed 'em off 100 years ago for a reason. Bears, wolves and humans don't mix. If the Californian yuppies keep moving here like they have been, the cute, cuddly bears are going to have a lot more human flesh in their guts. O.K. I'm down off my podium!!:D :thanks
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living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
I tried to read the WHOLE thing twice, but the inner sickness kept creaping up, sort of like a foul stench of stomach acid and old pizza.

my animal loving and enviromental protecting mind was getting ..........:(

as for butt check mountian, we all know some cowboys, electricians, sailors and even policemen are of the other sexual flow. I dont need to see it to know we got sickies in the world, we would have been better served by real films about the sick ##$(@*@& out there molesting children and how we can end it by mandatory executions upon arrest, not conviction.
it has even reached the Homeland security office. bunch of sick F$%^%-mad -mad -mad

but i did enjoy your thesis


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
I saw about 5 minutes on tv and that's all I could stand I deemed him an idiot and moron. The scenery was beautiful but this idiot kept getting infront of the camera and talking like he thought he knew something.

As for wolves kill them they are a nusance predator. I can guarantee you that the ranchers are shooting on sight and just burying or leaving the remains. As for bears, there is no real need to repopulate the lower 48 with bears, the human population is growing and decreasing the rural areas such that there is not enough land remaining for a healthy bear population.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
BJS said:
I saw about 5 minutes on tv and that's all I could stand I deemed him an idiot and moron. The scenery was beautiful but this idiot kept getting infront of the camera and talking like he thought he knew something.
My thoughts exactly. You get into this beautiful scenery an then a greasy hippy gets in the way and starts talking again. It was sort of frustrating...

As for wolves kill them they are a nusance predator. I can guarantee you that the ranchers are shooting on sight and just burying or leaving the remains. [/quote]
There is a reason that wolves were killed off in the first place. The current crowd of greenies likes to make the "old timers" look like idiots, saying they killed them off because of "big bad wolf" stories and such, when the true reason is because people and wolves do not and can not coexist. The old timers had so much trouble with the wolves killing off livestock, that they killed the wolves off. Now, the greenies say it was out of ignorance (when it was totally out of logical thought) and want to introduce them back into the wild. Since the wolves are not being released in california, they do not bother the greenies... So they do not see the problem!!!

As for bears, there is no real need to repopulate the lower 48 with bears, the human population is growing and decreasing the rural areas such that there is not enough land remaining for a healthy bear population.
And they use bear populations as excuses to shut down huge tracts of land to human use, which is so wrong I cannot even begin to explain. Washington's Grizz population is getting bigger by the day, and every time it does, more land is closed down. It makes me sick.

But all of this is beside the point. The main point is that whether Grizz hunting is legal or not IN ALASKA, it is NOT legal INSIDE THE KATMAI NATIONAL PARK, where meathead Treadwell decided he needed to go to "protect" the bears....

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
Allright, i watched a little more of it last night, and have to add a few more things. For a guy that claimed to be a bear expert, he sure didn't read bears very well.

In several scenes, you can see the bears laying their ears back on their heads. This is an obvious sign of anger and annoyance.

In another scene, you can see the bear rocking back and forth, which Tim assumed was a comforting thing for the bear, when, in fact, it is a sign of extreme anxiety and annoyance.

Tim was no expert. He made it through 13 years not because he was good with the bears, but because the bears were exceptionally tolerant of his crap. I credit the bears with his long survival, not the man.

Oh, by the way, I know very little about Grizzly bears. I've only ever seen one in the wild (near Calispell Lake in Northeastern Washington) and it was running away from me FAST, so I only got to see it for a few seconds before it was gone. I see black bears all the time, but they are a totally different animal in almost every way... That is the extent of my experience. Yet somehow, it appears that I know more about them than this guy that spent 13 years studying them...:rolleyes:


Nov 16, 2005
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St. Albert, Alberta
Saw the movie as well. Sure came across as some kind of lunatic idiot.

I used to guide American bear hunters in Alberta. I know what bears can do to you. They banned Grizzly hunting this year in Alberta for 3 years. But there is definitely no shortage of black bears.

I did encounter a grizzly once while hunting elk. I was carrying a 7mm Mag rifle and wished like hell I had my trusty 12 gauge with double OO buck. He was guarding a kill and I just backed away and he just stood there and growled at me. Lucky me.

That's what really bugged me about this guy. He never even carried bear spray. That alone may have saved him. It's not a gauranteed answer but it might have helped. Not only that but he conned his new wife into going with him. She probably expected he would keep them both safe. Truly sad.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
I don't normally take the Lord's name in vain, but Jesus Christ....


I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep well for weeks...

This is one of the most haunting and eerily logical reports I could find on the subject.

I was particulary disturbed when he starts describing the incident from the sounds on the tape that was rolling when the attack occured.

Amie had made the best effort she could to drive off the bear with nothing more than a frying pan. it ran away, but came back shortly thereafter, grabbing Tim by the leg and draggin him off as he shouted for Amie to run away, get away. Then, the only sound on the tape is Amie screaming over and over again at having seen her boyfriend be dragged off as prey.

She screamed until the bear came back... Conjecture says that she would have tried to use the only cover she had available - the tent - to keep between her and the bear. How long did she play cat and mouse with him, running around in circles, scared out of her wits, before the bear tired of the game, and just came over the top of the tent and got her, too?

I can think of nothing more terrifying, in the dead of night. I think one of the most haunting things about the whole scenario is the lack of sound coming from the bear. Hollywood would have you think it would be roaring and making a general racket, but it went about the killing stone cold silent.

My God, poor Amie...

My God...

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