jguzman75 said:
What is "QD" and is this the fuel pump under the drivers side frame rail?
QD= Quick Dis-connect. The QD fitting prolly works fine, under pressure. But being on the suction end of the pump, it >can< (and prolly does) suck air in, past it's seal.
Yes, the Fuel Pump is under the Driver Side, on the inside of the frame rail.
You can buy a specail tool to remove the QD fitting OR, if you look at it long enough yul see a "clip" that can be pulled out with a pair of neddle nose pliers. you can then pull the fitting assembly off.
Buy a foot of 5/16 0r 3/8 Diesel friendly fuel line, pre-measure the length yul need, remove the fitting & it's attached OEM line assembly, replace it with the Fuel line and band clamps..... done deal. 15 minute fix.
I'll bet you notice the Dif

( a bit quieter idle noise, smoother idle too)
Watch for dribble'n fuel... Just be Quik about the swap