McAllen, Texas
I have a 2000 X 7.3 diesel 70,000 miles and lately I have noticed that on some start up the engine runs like a cummings. It sounds really load and the knocking is very noticeable. What I have to do is turn it off and on a few times and it somehow fixes itself. This morning I went to fire it up and there was alot of blue and white smoke coming out of the tailpipe and it sounded horrible. I had to turn it off 5-6 times for to run normally. I have replaced the Cam Position Sensor because I thought that was the problem. Has this happend to anyone else? I only have 3,000 miles on this oil change and I usually change it every 4,500-5,000 miles. Another thing I notice is that if you drive it, there is absolutly no power, engine shakes, but very little smoke out the tailpipe. The morning I started it up and it ran like this with alot of smoke was the first time it ever did it on a cold start up. Every time this has happend it has been run for a while and is at operating temperature. I remember one time it had sat for about 3 hours and when I went to start it and the engine was running like this I just opened the hood, opened the water seperator and viola the engine settled down and ran perfect. I hope all of this info helps. Thanks