SDD Power Hungry
I was driving home on the highway and the engine light came on. It seemed fine but when i came to a stop light the idle when from about 800 down to about 650-675rpms. Light turned green and i made it to the next light about 2 miles away and then it chuged abit I put it in neutral and gave it gas and it slowly died even with it floored.
I cut the truck off and it cranked up but ran rough for 5 seconds the died again. I cut it off and tried again and it cranked up and i gave it gas and put it in drive and made it home. Lucky me it was about 400 yards from the stoplight that it stalled at. Engine light is on and it will crank but she is not happy! I did wash (simple green and water hose) the moter early this morning and had no problems until heading home about12 hours later. I drove the truck about 20 miles in between washing and stalling out. Any help would be great! This is the only truck I have and I need it for work. Thanks Guys I know you can help.