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VISTA = Virus Inside Switch To Apple
What does Pepsi, Avis, Chevy trucks, and Apple have in common?
They are all number TWO...., or Three, or four......
Happiness is being number ONE...
Coke, Hertz, Ford Trucks, and PC's
Remember PC's run all the OS's
For those of you who play with Apple's; OS means Operating Systems.
Seriously,,, they are all good computers... I just felt a little feisty today...
Feeling a little threatened there Max
PC's (cheap) may outsell Mac's (mo money) but in my 20+ years of computing OS X is the best OS hands down.
Sure you could build up a PC to rival a Mac spec wise, but then you're only a hundred clams away from buying one.
Oh and for graphics/photo people MAC RULES!!
Is OS X more stable than anything that MS has put out... NO...
Max, I agree with everything you said except this.....
I've only had 1 crash with either of my 2 macs and it was my fault, and I was forced to call AppleCare because I couldn't figure out how to undo what I had done...AppleCare said...no problem do this,this, and this and POOF, I was back in business. Never get that with MS.
Oh and I screwed up on my earlier post, I've been computing since the days of the TRS-80 Model 1 with Level II BASIC and my second machine was a home built Heathkit, that worked the second time I built it ...... I learned how to solder building that thing
So how do we bring back Novell 3 and Win 3.1.1 for networks and I'd love to get my hands on an old PDP-11
Have a good one Max