smokyred said:
Hey guys, I agree with everything that has been said. If everyone were as bright as you guys, we would prolly have solved this problem a long time ago.
So can someone tell me why they hate us more than they hate anybody else? As far as I know, we never did anything to them to deserve this......
oh young man I will try
We are a nation of mostly christian faiths, strike one
The US supports Isreal, strike two,
second the kuran exsplicitly states to bring in non believers and treat them well, and convert them, if they refuse... destroy them. if they submit and do convert... destroy them after thay have fought for thier cause.
it also states to take over the land and convert all to islam or ... you geussed it, destroy them
islam is apeace loving religion, I refer you to re-read the above
all religions have radical factions. catholics during the campaings to spread the word of God, (crusades), the muslims did it back to teh catholics after teh first crusade and second etc
We as Americans have a country founded on resisting opression.
this is a hard line to follow for devout muslims, its contradicts the kuran
the tree of life or holiness both for christians and muslims ends at teh same place, ours ends with God being on top, theirs ends with Allah on top
ilsam is very opressive, all are not equal,
do as i say do not question ... or be destroyed.