Question Has anyone ever this? if so, results?


SDD Junior Member
Mar 5, 2009
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Has anyone ever tried this? if so, results?

I have '04 PSD, 93,000 miles. I am experiencing rough idle and long duration to "get up to speed"(similar to two fouled plugs on a gas v-8), though when I pull my 5th wheel for 1000 miles, truck runs like a champ! Motor oil warming up and loosening sludge on injectors? I have had 6 of the injectors changed on 3 differnent occasions. One of wich has been changed twice. Now My dealer plugs in to the truck and say's two more bad injectors. So a friend says to me to put 10qts of the dello oil and 5 qts of mercon 5 ATF as a mixture. Let the truck idle in the drive and get up to temp run like this for bout the length of a good football game and then let set overnight and try the performance out in the morning (cold motor morning commute etc). If there is some sort of a change for the better, to maybe run it like this for a week to see if there are further performance improvements.

Has anyone done this? any results?
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SDD Senior Member
May 31, 2005
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Ukiah, California
I would not do that to my truck. I don't have any magic cure for you either. I agree that an oil change is probably a good idea. I would never run ATF in a motor. It has all sorts of friction modifiers and additives to control friction, but not eliminate it. It will tear up youor bearings.



SDD Junior Member
Mar 5, 2009
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Oil, fuel filters, and air filter change less than 1 month ago!


SDD Junior Member
Mar 5, 2009
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dennisj2003, thank you. I like what i viewed. I will be contacting them!


Full Access Member
Oct 4, 2008
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Fort McMurray/Alberta

I would be careful with the snake oil. If the diagnostics say you have some bad injectors, and you just went through a recent oil change, I'd recommend following Ford's advice on the fix. After that is done and you have a good running truck again, look into a bypass oil filter system like AMSOIL (it will keep the oil really clean and the injectors happy). Make sure you are using the proper oil for climate, with motorcraft filters, not cheapie aftermarket stuff. Synthetic in my opinion is worth the extra money as it works better when cold and better when hot than dino. Look at how you drive - you seem to have a lot of injector trouble - make sure you are not idling excessively, and use a ULSD fuel, less deposits less trouble. Have you ever run your 6.0 out of fuel? That in itself can kill a set of injectors.

As for mixing tranny fluid with the oil? I know where this stuff comes from, but old generation ideas like that will kill your new generation diesel - fast. You might as well pack some straw in your rad if you have a coolant leak also, do it up right.

I would really look at trying to find out what is happening to give you so much injector trouble, confirm fuel pressure is good, etc, you shouldn't be having this much trouble. These engines do perform better the warmer the oil, Ford did an accelleration test based on engine oil temp, and the 0-60 varies significantly with oil temp due to injection retardation due to cold oil, but it should not be something you should notice on day to day driving. I went to work today and it was -32 celcius, but she started and ran fine.


SDD Junior Member
Mar 5, 2009
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Thank you, jetpilot1, The truck has been run out of fuel once. though after the injector replacements. no problems til now. That happened more than two years ago. still not good driving practice I know. What do you mean "snake oil"? . My concern about driving conditions and ULSD, where I live they only sell ULSD. Also, the truck gets remote started every morning and warms for appx 5 min, prior to driving the long 4 mile trip to work. I think my dealer found easy money in injector replacement (under warranty) heck they even changed the turbo. These were all results of a reflash recall I received. So on this last trip to a different dealer they said I have the most current flash. At that time they recommend I try a fuel additive they sell and I used it. no change. how is it only while cold and only two inj. different side of the motor, same oil goes through all. does thier computer tell them the PSI at the inj tip? how do they determine? engine oil crud makes sense to me. but that is why I'm here.

Thanks again for all the input.


SDD Junior Member
Mar 5, 2009
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kingkevindavid, thank you, paratropper huh. if you jump out of perfectly good airplanes, ATF must be bad!!!

Thanks for your input


Full Access Member
Oct 4, 2008
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Fort McMurray/Alberta
Interesting about the fuel run out. I know with the early 6.0's a low fuel pressure (out of fuel) situation could easily destroy a set of injectors, and with later 6.0's there is an computer strategy to try to avoid any damage with no fuel in the injector when it is fired. The damage comes when the intensifier piston in the injector fires (up to 4000 psi oil pressure) with no cushioning fuel on the other side of the piston. I suppose damage could be done that might not show up for awhile. So its not just a bad driving practice to run a 6.0 out of fuel - it is very hard on the injectors at best, at worst, injectors are ruined.

So - the out of fuel may or may not have had an adverse effect on the injectors. They can check fuel pressure, and hypop pressure, and do a cylinder balance check to see which are the weak contributing cylinders. Of course there are more checks they can do to see if there is a bad injector.

Your comment about warming it up for 5 minutes then a 4 mile drive (long?) to work. Warming the truck up for that long isn't good, especially with a EGR engine, and your short 4 mile drive isn't anywhere long enough to warm up that 6.0, so I would classify your typical drive cycle as very hard on the engine. With the amount of oil and coolant in your 6.0 there is no chance that engine is warming up thoroughly. Personally, I start the engine and put her in gear seconds after. As soon as the engine is willing to take throttle, she will warm up faster if you just start driving (gently of course). All that idling, and such a short drive is hard on any engine.

Snake oil is any of the witch doctor fixes out there that must keep diesel techs awake at night, knowing they might have to try to diagnose the mess the next day. You very well might have an injector or 2 fouled up, and possibly a hot shot type of additive might help - I don't know, but I would be a little suspicious of the injectors that suffered the low fuel situation, and the driving cycle you subject the engine to has got to be very hard on the engine also.

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