Happy Birthday Robert (Powerboatr)


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
In my best Elvis..... Thank You , thank yu very much.

one more year not being worm food :sweet
and of all days.......
i must share a very funny ( not to wife) thing that started at 3:00 am ish

My wife woke me up, concerned with me not breathing to good :eek: I had the most horrible pain in the middle rh upper quardrant of my chest, Hurt so bad i couldnt breath with out wincing. I am lying on my rh side
trying to roll oveer and speak to her, I was laughing inside and trying to speak but it was just to intense, I had the worse muscle cramp charlie horse in my chest, felt like william hurt in "altered states"( some one was sleeping on my arm and cut off the blood? )it compared to nothing like a calf cramp. it HURT :( :( BAD
wife is yelling at me asking me if i am having a heart attack , I am laughing at the prospect of her looking at me not breathing very well and tears of silent laughter streaming down my face,

she thinks i am a goner, its getting worse,
i have to be turning blue from shallow breaths and she leaps out of bed.
I had thoughts of pulp fiction enter my head (travolts injects very large needle into uma thurmans chest ) I laugh again louder and it hurts more .
as i picture my wife smiling as she is aiming a 8" needle at my chest.... so i finally am able to speak and say , " its just a cramp, " she got silent. a very long pause ......then she bout killed me :roflmao :roflmao , so i am laughing and hurting as its finally letting up, then i got a calf cramp and had to get up and walk around,
:roflmao :roflmao :roflmao stumbling across the bed room tripping over DOG, laughing so hard i hurt.

and this of all days.......... HER birthday, what a present she thinks i am dying on our birthdays, i couldnt have planned it if i had wanted to.
my sides are stil hurting from laughter, even got frozen in the shower, I was still musing about it and she turned on the hot water in the kitchen ZAPPPP thats COLD,

so if the rest of the day goes as good as it started I shall have one heck of a great day
:D :D

i really need to hydrate more

Man on man i love living
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