Thanks for the welcome(s)...
sorta sitting around watching the weather here today...trying to keep water out of the basement (definition of losing battle?) with all the T-storms rolling through.
anyway...I'm looking to do some "upgrades" like maybe a 17" wheel as there seems to be quite a few take offs avail. compared to 16" stuff. That would allow me a larger market for used/take off tires. Just uncertian of the avail. of stockers that size for pre coil spring rigs like mine. I know there is a difference in coil spring wheel offset or back space but that's all I know about that.
Prompt for new tires came from getting stuck at the shooting range with my hwy Michelins. M&S must stand for Mild and Smooth--not Mud and Snow.
Have a few minor mods to the rig...Edge Juice w/additude, 4" exhaust, 'extreme duty' air filter. It already had added the Ride-Rite air bags and Reese 5th wheel hitch for the eventual 5'er purchase..maybe a toy hauler?
This rig is my first diesel and have now had it almost 2 1/2 years....wondering why it took me so long to get one. I absolutely love the way it pulls my trailers and still gets decent mileage. (24 and 26' enclosed haulers, 12' hydro dump, 18' car hauler).
Probably won't add much to the tech. knowledge here-but almost always have an opinion

occassionally they are even correct