Wonder if Stephen's down at the dealer front door banging forehead on the front door saying "open,open,open,open........"

, thats a goodin' Bill. I was there at 9:00 this morning. I 2-wayed the service manager and asked if I could have my truck this morning. He said this afternoon. they are putting the finishing touches on it. Fluids, diagnotics, all that good stuff.
They did crank it yesterday afternoon, he said he ran just fine.
I asked him if he had any idea about what the total price may be. He hasn't got that figured up yet, he did say he was gonna price the labor at 20.00 an hour, that's right, I didnt stttttuuuuudddeeerrrr,
20.00 bucks an hour. I was joking around with him the other day and I mentioned that price to him.
See, my patiences has turned out to be well worth it.