thanx guys!!
we went out and pulled the turbo off the 99 IH today

.he didnt get greasy but he helped me get tools and he stood on the tire watching and asking questions.i wish i had a workin camara now.gotta get pictures of this stuff.
he went with his aunt today.i called him to see how he was doing and say goodnight.but the little brat was haveing so much fun playing with his cousins that he didnt want to talk to me!

.he is staying with her for a little bit so i can get some things back in order.i think he may love it there cuz now he is the "big brother" in the house as he is older than his cousins.wich is good cuz he will end up being much closer with his cousins now.they will look up to him and he can give them guidance at some point.and stronger family values as well.