Glow plugs??


SDD Junior Member
Dec 31, 2009
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lake ariel pa
HELLO, i did mine a few weeks ago, a few helpfull hints,,,to get to the rear and lower valve cover bolts on the passenger side its easiest to reach them thru the wheel well opening. also if you have not done the upgrade to your wiring harness valve cover plug make sure its done at this time, i did not read what year yours was but mine is a 99 and i made my own lock clip for the plug out of 1/8 inch plastic. one more tip is the coolant resovoir does not need to be removed, when unbolted the hose is long enough to lft it up an set near the hp pump, hope this helps.:D here is a walk thru i gave a few days after i did mine...

i removed the intercooler tubes rt and lt.on the lt side(drivers) i pulled the aie cleaner intake hose and top of air box, intercooler tube, unplugg the big square harness over the valve cover (big one above valve cover use 10 mm socket to seperate) thats it for that side. the rt side i unhooked the rad resovoir tank but did not remove, just move in front of the shroud, the hose is long enough, then the inter cooler tube. the upper heater core hoses i left hooked up but removed them from there brackets and used a bungi cord to hold them up.the lower bolts on the rt valve cover below the ac box are easiest to get thru the rt wheel opening, the tire or splash shield do not need to be removed. thats a basic description of what needed to be removed. i also suggest to blow off any dirt or junk "before" removing the valve covers. and anything you are working near be sure to have it somewhat clean so dirt is not falling off the other parts when working to remove the glow plugs. i hope this is helpfull. allan
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