stroke it if you got it
well I found out I had 4 GP out in stead of changeing out 4 this yr and 4 next yr I did them all. Got it all back together and started heading back to the house when the check engin light came on got to the house & pluged in my prog. code 1316 came up injector cinc/idm codes detected, cleared the code & headed back out to the shop. From the house to the shop 9 more codes came up , tore the hole thing back down to see what it was I did wrong. With the valve covers off started it up and no codes so I started putting the pass side back together and started it up again still no codes, started putting the drivers side together all button up started it up and the code 1316 came up again .so I tore it back down again (did this 4 times on the drivers side) started the truck and thats when I saw the harness just barly pluged in , pluged it in all the way and it smoothed out ,I shut the truck down double checked the plug in bolted it all back up and fired it upagain and no codes. Need less to say its was a long 2 day over a damm wire harness