Glow Plugs are Annoying


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Hoss 350 said:
As the title states, I am finding myself curious...

Cummins-Powered Dodges use an intake grid heater for their startups. As far as I can tell, they start pretty well, and the problems associated with IGH's are few to none, since they are so simple.

That got me to thinking. My Powerstroke has an IGH in it, since I haven't ever pulled it out... Glowplugs, on the other hand, have been an excersize in annoyance on every diesel-powered rig i've ever owned. I lost plugs regularly on my '81 GM 6.2 (I miss that truck...), and I lost a relay on my '95 PSD. On my '99, I have replaced the relay, but it still smokes like a wet fire whenever I start it, so I think I have a couple bad plugs. (Suprise, they are 150,000 miles old).

However, I would really like to experiment with a non-glowplug operation on my truck, and I was wondering if anybody else had ever done this or looked into it. What I think I'll do is this...

1.) Disable my GPs by disconnecting them at the relay.

2.) Wire the IGH to a relay that turns it on and off. I need to know volts needed (assuming 12) and watts/amps that it requires, so I can accurately wire it up.

See if it starts okay in the SFBACITMNAFO weather we have been having up here with just the IGH. If it does, i may have created a glowplug elimination mod. Then, at that point, I would want to hire someone that does this stuff to actually create a module that plugs in to automatically run the IGH under the same constraints as the GPs and possibly even the EBPV, to further aid in warm-up.

What I mean, is that like the GPs, the IGH will turn on automatically and cycle the WTS light like in the Dodges, when you turn on the key. Then, it will stay on for an amount of time to ensure the engine runs smooth and smoke free upon start-up.

Then, it will function like the EBPV, staying on until ambient, water and oil temps reach a certain degrees F, then turning off. I would guess that this would aid in drastically shorter warm-up times.

What do you guys think?

I too have pondered the same thing. My Ponder has allwayz been just a bit different tho.

Why could'nt we wire the GPR so it could be used, ONLY IF needed ?

We have CATs, DTs, Jimmys and a couple Perkins'z at work that have the "HEAT" buttons to push, for cold weather starts. About the only time we use them is on a cold, frosty morning. I'd say, here in CENCAL, we don't need to use the HEAT, 95% of the time. Sure, they Belch a bit of smoke but..... Thats just part of own'n, or operateing a DEZEL.

My think'n on the Ford PS is.... Ford and IH made these things as Genaric as humanly possible..... The GPR/WTS feature is a way of makeing these PSD, START..... no matter what, for the Masses.

A simple switch, wired in to whatever wire controls the GPR, from the PCM, would give us the option of useing the GPs.... Or not.

I'v never done anything with it... just Pondered it.

I did it on my ol' 83 6.2 (slug) Van. SMOKED out the Lady next door one morning but other than that.... It Worked Great.

Seems like it would save on GPR, GP and Battery life issues.

:dunno :dunno


Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
So I am gathering that generally, you guys don't think that there would be enough oomph in the aih to start the engine by itself in the weather I am having right now (we haven't seen anything over the teens for weeks, now, and yes, we are WAY colder over here than in Western WA. Think of me as being more like Northern Idaho or Montana, since I am about 3 miles from the idaho border and about 60 miles from the Montana border.

My AIH has not turned on sonce I bought the truck, i am sure of it. They only function under certain conditions. Something like :
idling, ambient under 32 degrees, EOT down to some really low number, e-brake engaged or Auto trans in Park, etc.

I do not leave my truck idling, so i doubt it has ever turned on. So, I was thinking about taking it off, then it occured to me, if it will not start the truck by itself, maybe at least it could HELP?

So, here is where I am at with this mod, currently, let me know what you think...

1.) Disconnect it from the PCM, so it is no longer controlled by anything in the truck.

2.) Wire it to a switch through a relay. Have the switch in the cab. Turn the switch on right after the truck fires up (I don't think you would want the extra battery draw when you are trying to turn the truck over, but maybe it would be okay. I could check it out once i do the mod).

3.) Turn the switch on during the period of time that the EBPV is on. In weather as cold as i am having, this is pretty much full-time unless you are out on the freeway. As soon as you let off the throttle, stuff cools back off enough that it turns back on. It is annoying. I am thinking that this AIH mod would heat stuff up so that the EBPV would stop actuating after a shorter time period,then stay off.

I am also thinkign that this mod will have the truck blowing hot air really soon after she starts up, since it should heat up the engine really fast.

It will also help to eliminate smoke on startup, which has gotten to be a real issue with my truck. I think I have bad GPs.

I guess it would be user-actuated. Out on the freeway, once warm, turn her off. Come back into town at 16 degrees ambient, turn her back on to keep the engine warmed up and the EBPV OFF.

Which, I guess then begs the question, is the AIH designed for extended use intervals? Or is it designed to be on for 30 seconds, then off, on for 30 seconds, then off, etc etc. I would assume that based on its use (eliminating smoke during extended cold idling periods) that it is designed for long period duty cycles.

I really think i am on to something here, I am pretty sure that this is going to be sweet once I get 'er done. Once I wire the thing up, I am going to disconnect the GPs and see if the AIH will cold-start the truck by itself. If it does, then I amy very well pull the GPs, put in plugs, get rid of the relays, etc and just go IGH. :thumbs

BTW, it may be a while. Pheasant/upland bird season does not end until the 16th of January around these parts, so I am out every weekend with my year and a half old German Shorthair, Dutch, generally terrorizing the bird population until then. Past that, goose and duck is open for a couple more weekends. Getting into February, the coyote pelts are in their prime, so I will be out freezing my butt off trying to sound like something good to eat so they come within range. Once I go a couple times in February, though, I'll get bored, and then I'll be more apt to work on my truck.
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Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Sounds like something worth look'n into Hoss

Whenever you git done shoot'n things (;) ), and have the time, Post yer results.

I may work on it some too. I get bored when the weather is Sh**y.


Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
Does anybody know the vital statistics of the AIH? Like wattage, Amps, ohms, etc while in use? I need to size the relay I purchase accordingly...


Certified Diesel Driver
Apr 6, 2005
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You can give it a shot, but I would not expect it to provide enough heat for starting in your climate. I also do not believe it will do anything to get your engine or coolant warm faster to provide cab heat. You are placing alot of expectations on one little heating element in the intake tract in my opinion. Give it a shot though and tell us the results.

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