CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
When I took the class for getting a concealed carry permit, the instructor demonstrated his laser site mounted on his home defense revolver. Shooting from the hip, he put six rounds thru a paper plate target from about 25 feet away. It was rather impressive to say the least.
I got to thinking what if I needed to use my pistol in a defensive situation but there was inadequate light to use the sights or if I was without my glasses? A laser site started sounding like a good idea. So after doing some looking, I found this CAT LASER SITE for my Taurus PT-101. Plus it was on sale and so was a custom holster. So I went against my better judgement and ordered one.
It should be fun when I take it to the range!!

I got to thinking what if I needed to use my pistol in a defensive situation but there was inadequate light to use the sights or if I was without my glasses? A laser site started sounding like a good idea. So after doing some looking, I found this CAT LASER SITE for my Taurus PT-101. Plus it was on sale and so was a custom holster. So I went against my better judgement and ordered one.
It should be fun when I take it to the range!!