since i have had hub problems myself, i can share with you what i have found out. my original hubs were replaced under warranty about 15000km ago. everything was working ok till i starting using 4wd more(plowing snow).anyway at first, in the auto mode i would have 1 hub unlocking going down the road, when in 4wd. so after that i just locked them in manually. so when i changed my oil last time i decided to check other things out and noticed i couldn`t turn the axle shafts. so upon further investigation, i found 1 of the hubs weren`t unlocking. so i took the hub off and started to inspect it. what i came up with is this. there was NOT ONE SPECK OF GREASE TO BE FOUND IN THERE. i was going to disassemble the hub itself, but decided not to at the time to see if i could get it replaced under warranty again, which i was unsuccessful at. when i did have the hub off, i did unlock the hub itself by pushing on the plastic inner piece. also at the same time, i did spray some lube in there to see if it would help. now i am having the same problem with the other hub and did the same procedure. soon as i find if they will replace the hubs under warranty, or not, i will take them apart and grease them up a bit, not alot of grease but some. basically all you will have to do is, remove the hub and push the plastic plunger in till it clicks and the hub will be unlocked. you can tell it is unlocked when the splined part in the hub will spin seperately fron the rest of the hub....hope this helps ....just my