black and tan
speaking of front end woes- i had a 4 inch lift put on my super duty and started noticing things going on with the front end. since then ive had u joints, ball joints, inner tie rod end, and bushings replaced. nothing seems to be working. the truck drives like crap. when i hit a sharp bump on a paved road the steering wheel jerks from side to side, and a poppping noise comes out of the drivers side front wheel. when i am in four wheel it bucks going around corners. i have been to two different mechanics, reputable ones too, and they've made it better but havent fixed it. anybody have any answers or know somebody in or around denver co who is an expert on super duty front ends? HELP
also, how classic is this post? I am very lucky to grow up in a family that foretold me not to do stuff like this because of repercussions like this occur. Thank you dad and thank you uncle