Today my Ex started to make a terrible sound from the front left wheel area. I hit a good pot hole. Hey it's Michigan Roads! The Ex made this horrible sound like splines not enguaging. Not a gear grind. More of a loud medium pitched whir. Now it will do this when ever I hit a bump. I can clear it if I stop and sometimes it will clear itself before I get stopped.
It wont make the sound if in 4X4.
The only 2 things I can think of are:
1) The bearings are gone after 180K miles and it's cocking when I hit bumps.
2) something is causing the axle to cock in the hub and I am hearing the splines rubbing on something. The axle feels tight.
Anyone else experience this or fix this? What was it?
I'd hate to shelll out the money for a new hub assembly and hav eit not be the problem.
It wont make the sound if in 4X4.
The only 2 things I can think of are:
1) The bearings are gone after 180K miles and it's cocking when I hit bumps.
2) something is causing the axle to cock in the hub and I am hearing the splines rubbing on something. The axle feels tight.
Anyone else experience this or fix this? What was it?
I'd hate to shelll out the money for a new hub assembly and hav eit not be the problem.