FREE Puppy


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
Again Thanks to all of you folks for your support.
Wife saw this thread and was amazed that trucks nuts had such big hearts.

Big Joe, Maxtor, he knows he is home. He knows which cabinet hides the food, cookies, toys and which side of the bed to grab my slippers when his chew toys just arent cutting it.:D
He is especially good at conning the mrs. to sleep on the couch so he wont feel alone in the living room at night :innocent

He and ms. dallas are rapidly becoming best buds and have even shared a pillow :eek:


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
Robert, I also just found this. My internet has been down at home for awhile, just got it back last night. That is a beautiful puppy and Peanut seems like a good name. I was also thinking about contributing a dollar or so to the "shipping fund", but am glad that he found a home. Hope you're getting him "fixed" soon. It's so nice to see someone with such a good heart toward animals. Some people are just the opposite.


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Wife saw this thread and was amazed that trucks nuts had such big hearts.

HE knows he is home. He knows which cabinet hides the food, cookies, toys and which side of the bed to grab my slippers when his chew toys just arent cutting it.:D

HE is especially good at conning the mrs. to sleep on the couch so he wont feel alone in the living room at night :innocent

HE and ms. dallas are rapidly becoming best buds and have even shared a pillow :eek:

The 3 "HE's" Sez it ALL Robert. This whole "Free Puppy" thing is a Done Deal. :hail

Maybe a bit Schlocky for a Truck Site but, Animals come in to our lives for a reason and a purpose.. this little guy showed up on yer door step for Both of those.

Enjoy..... Yer new Pup, and Family Member.



Full Access Member
Aug 2, 2005
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sorry i havent kept up w/ the thread ! thanks for resucing GODs creature !
hes a cute the one w/ 'em sleepin' where his paw is in his
bowl :D

most of the stuff has been answered...but i have experiance shipping
(by air) dogs...lots of restrictions/shots/etc.

im glad "little dog" has found a warm and loving home.


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
My mother had an experience with a stray dog in 1991, shortly after my dad passed away. There was a white dog (similar to the one in the movie "Dance With The White Dog" with Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy) that came to her house and wouldn't leave. She had the dog until just a few years ago when the dog had to be put down. I guess the dog was her "guardian angel" to help her after my dad's passing.


CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
Apr 11, 2005
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Da U.P.
I think the man upstairs knew all along this was the right place to drop him off.

We had a Beagle that we lost due to bladder cancer 5 years ago. I was so tore up over her passing, grieved for about 3 years. Initially at times, I would cry like a baby I missed her so badly.
View attachment 7518

Then one day in Nashville, my son was on his way home from work. He saw two dogs at the side of a busy highway. In the past, there were 2 dogs that he was very close to (one was his) that got killed on highways. So seeing a pair of pups in danger of meeting the same fate was a sensitive issue for him. He stopped his truck and one came running over and jumped right inside, the other took off. So he was able to save at least one of the two. They brought her home and added her to the other two they had previously abopted.

About the same timeframe, I had gotten out of a business I was in. Since I no longer was on the road all all the time, and Mrs. TG was working nights, I started feeling the need for another buddy. Mrs. TG was dead set against it, so I had to enlist the help of our kids and a couple of videos to persuade her otherwise. She eventually gave in and I met my new buddy for Christmas 2005. Since then she has become my inseparable buddy. Only then was able to get totally over the loss of my Beagle 3 years prior.

Talk about things being meant to happen, I think this is a perfect example. Had all the variables not come together just right, what are the chances that a dog in Nashville would come to be with me in Upper Michigan? I'm glad all those things necessary to be just right, were so. She is the best, most loyal well behaved dog I've ever had. She has even displayed a instinctive protective streak with babies and small kids. When my expectant daughter came to visit, my dog was at her side constantly and would jump up on the sofa next to my daughter, sniffing at her tummy. So she definately knows what's up, animals are very intuitive sometimes. I don't think Mrs. TG & I are going to be the only ones excited when the baby comes to visit for the first time.
View attachment 7519

Congrats on your new buddy there Robert. There is something very special about a dog that finds you instead of the other way around.


Full Access Member
Mar 20, 2006
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We had a Beagle that we lost due to bladder cancer 5 years ago. I was so tore up over her passing, grieved for about 3 years. Initially at times, I would cry like a baby I missed her so badly.
View attachment 7518

Then one day in Nashville, my son was on his way home from work. He saw two dogs at the side of a busy highway. In the past, there were 2 dogs that he was very close to (one was his) that got killed on highways. So seeing a pair of pups in danger of meeting the same fate was a sensitive issue for him. He stopped his truck and one came running over and jumped right inside, the other took off. So he was able to save at least one of the two. They brought her home and added her to the other two they had previously abopted.

About the same timeframe, I had gotten out of a business I was in. Since I no longer was on the road all all the time, and Mrs. TG was working nights, I started feeling the need for another buddy. Mrs. TG was dead set against it, so I had to enlist the help of our kids and a couple of videos to persuade her otherwise. She eventually gave in and I met my new buddy for Christmas 2005. Since then she has become my inseparable buddy. Only then was able to get totally over the loss of my Beagle 3 years prior.

Talk about things being meant to happen, I think this is a perfect example. Had all the variables not come together just right, what are the chances that a dog in Nashville would come to be with me in Upper Michigan? I'm glad all those things necessary to be just right, were so. She is the best, most loyal well behaved dog I've ever had. She has even displayed a instinctive protective streak with babies and small kids. When my expectant daughter came to visit, my dog was at her side constantly and would jump up on the sofa next to my daughter, sniffing at her tummy. So she definately knows what's up, animals are very intuitive sometimes. I don't think Mrs. TG & I are going to be the only ones excited when the baby comes to visit for the first time.
View attachment 7519

Congrats on your new buddy there Robert. There is something very special about a dog that finds you instead of the other way around.

TG,,, this says volumes about your character.
This site has some really good guys..


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
I had forgotten about puppry breath its got its aroma
but man o man i forgot about th eone thing worse... puppy air out the back end :eek::eek:
WOW i stopped dead in my tracks i thought i was about to step in some doooo

we found out today, he isnt afraid of shotguns (killed a mole), airnailers (watched me attach a piece of trim), or the golf cart
but doesnt like the air hose or the john deere mower

i think somebody upstairs must have known he needed a place to stay,
our last shepard found us that way to and was a great buddy.
this little guy is on the right track
spoiled and loves everybody

TG ;tu

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