Found this elsewhere....

no-red 6 0

Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
southmetro MN
Latest 6.4 info


Alright...between training and talking with an enganeer....ill share everything i know about the 6.4 to date. Please take into account in responce to this that all of this info is strait from either Ford training, Ford enganeers, or Ford publications that ive been given.

The first thing i wanted to point out is that according to a fact sheet given to me today.....the f-450/550 chassis trucks will actually have LESS horsepower and torque than the 250/350 chassis trucks. I dont exactly understand this and the enganeer i talked to had no answers for me. The heavier truck has 25 less HP and 50 less foot pounds of torque according to the published numbers on the sheet i was given.

Your coolant flushes have gone up in price...LOL. Total coolant capacity in the 6.4 is just a touch under 33 qts...YES...over 8 gallons. All but two quarts is for the main cooling system with those two quarts going in the fuel cooler.

DONT touch any wiring harnesses wrapped in orange conduate. These wires carry 200 volts or so to the injectors. There isnt enough amperage to kill you so you will just be wishing it had.

One of the most interesting things will be the fact that installing aftermarket exhaust on this truck will be a no no. There is basically a collection chamber on it that periodically has fuel injected into it (by injecting it during the exhaust stroke) to burn the carbon and particles collected in the canister. That whole process is all based on backpressure readings. There are also two exhaust monitors (basically O2 sensors) in the system. Messing with the exhaust WILL cause a check engine light according to everything ive been told of this system. Backpressure needs to be exactly in the stock configuration for any of this to work. This collection canister needs to be cleaned every 120k on average they figure....more so under certain conditions. Even if you live with the check engine light....there is a chance of ruining this "self cleaning oven" type canister as they call it. This canister when i asked about was refferred to as being extremely expensive. When i said "why is it really expensive"..the enganeer told me that it just is..and it is not really expensive..its EXTREMELY expensive. being told that smog is coming on these trucks and this motor WILL NOT be exempt from it. It will have to conform to current standards when smog hits in most states. It will never pass smog if you do an exhaust. This is just a warning going on info i have been told....

Ford claims it has 10 million on test trucks....they claim this motor will be solid....

the water in fuel sensor will be very sensitive and the actual seperator housing will need to be drained once a month.

Non ford fuel additives supposidly WILL cause injector failures

Standard diesel oil will not work in this has a new oil that MUSt be used in it. That oil is compatable with any ford diesel..but the older oils can not be used....

Under conditions that MOST people on this forum use thier truck....oil change intervals will be 5k... (10k if it never sees idle driving...dusty conditions or towing) and fuel filter will be 10k (20k for above conditions as well)

this came from ford tech who just came from a meeting.


May 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Prairie Wa.
Latest 6.4 info

There is basically a collection chamber on it that periodically has fuel injected into it (by injecting it during the exhaust stroke) to burn the carbon and particles collected in the canister. That whole process is all based on backpressure readings. There are also two exhaust monitors (basically O2 sensors) in the system. Messing with the exhaust WILL cause a check engine light according to everything ive been told of this system. Backpressure needs to be exactly in the stock configuration for any of this to work. This collection canister needs to be cleaned every 120k on average they figure....more so under certain conditions. Even if you live with the check engine light....there is a chance of ruining this "self cleaning oven" type canister as they call it. This canister when i asked about was refferred to as being extremely expensive. When i said "why is it really expensive"..the enganeer told me that it just is..and it is not really expensive..its EXTREMELY expensive.

Standard diesel oil will not work in this has a new oil that MUSt be used in it. That oil is compatable with any ford diesel..but the older oils can not be used....
:soap :rant :rant :rant

A couple of the key reasons I will have my truck for a very, very, very, very long time. 350 ponies to the fly wheel... = maybe 275-300 to the rear.. expensive parts for reg maint... The price of the New oil is about 50% per gallon higher than my old Dello... used to pay 5.50-6.25 a gallon For Dell... went to the store yesterday... 9.89 a gallon?!?! once upon a time ago it was cheaper and more economical to own and Drive a Diesel... that has slowly but surely been eaten a way.... Perhaps a V-10 with a blower will be my next option... If I can get 8 mpg with that pulling my trailer.... thats only 1-2 less than what I get now. pluss cheaper fuel Oil and Maintance. no particulate filter in that exhaust... :cussing: :2c ok... I'm done for now... And thanks for your support...


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
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I have a very hard time believing the injector and "non-ford" additive part. If they are that sensitive then they flat out suck. Im sure they are not that sensitive and it is nothing more than someone's attempt to perpetuate sales of Ford products.


Full Access Member
Aug 23, 2005
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Benton Arkansas
The thing about it is if Ford and IH are smart enough to built it that way, there is someone out there smart enough to build around it.
Ford lost 12.B last year so they are trying to keep everyone away from playing with there stuff. The only thing is it mite keep you and I from buying there cars & Trucks. Then next year they will have lost another 10 B and be broke.

no-red 6 0

Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
southmetro MN
Yup, I don't get it either. I find it hard to believe you have to use fomoco oil/additives. I did not know that saturn/buick/nissan/toyota etc. say you can only use their specific products or the vehicle won't work. That would put lots of retail stores out of business because each specific vehicle owner would have to go to the dealership to buy oil. I do find it as a way to sell their own products and to "get back" money they lost. I sure hope this new truck works the way they promote it. These dang things are getting expensive to operate.


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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In a van down by the river...
Yup, I don't get it either. I find it hard to believe you have to use fomoco oil/additives. I did not know that saturn/buick/nissan/toyota etc. say you can only use their specific products or the vehicle won't work. That would put lots of retail stores out of business because each specific vehicle owner would have to go to the dealership to buy oil. I do find it as a way to sell their own products and to "get back" money they lost. I sure hope this new truck works the way they promote it. These dang things are getting expensive to operate.

There's a lot of folks out there who think Magnusson-Moss protects them from all sort of idiot mods, but IMO this is one case where M-M might have to come into play. As long as there are other oils (maybe not right now, but the oil companies will probably come out with 'em soon enough) or additives that meet FoMoCo specs, those are OK (by M-M standards) to use without voiding one's warranty.

All of that is yet another reason (as if I need one) to keep my 7.3 for a loooooooooooooong time and when it's worn out, repower with a Cummins 5.9 ISB. ;) :sly :D


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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There's a lot of folks out there who think Magnusson-Moss protects them from all sort of idiot mods, but IMO this is one case where M-M might have to come into play. As long as there are other oils (maybe not right now, but the oil companies will probably come out with 'em soon enough) or additives that meet FoMoCo specs, those are OK (by M-M standards) to use without voiding one's warranty.

All of that is yet another reason (as if I need one) to keep my 7.3 for a loooooooooooooong time and when it's worn out, repower with a Cummins 5.9 ISB. ;) :sly :D

I hear ya. But ya gota remember... If you read yer 7.3 or 6.0 Owners Manual, it sez: USE ONLY Fomoco this and Fomoco that or yer truck will melt and yer kids will git Wharts. But I do agree that these things are getting Crazy. Basicaly, You can't work on, or do any Maintenence on, yer own stuff anymore. WE pay 50K+, for something WE think is OURS, but THEY still Have us by the Short Hairs.

I remember when my 2K was stock, It was better than my 91 IDI (Turbo'd) but with the FW in tow.. It was a DOG.. I felt Like I was "In The Way". Not Anymore !!! this 7 year old truck is a "Puller".. I'll be drive'n it for a Long, Long, LONG... time. MY BUTTMETER tells me, this ole' guy has alot of miles left.

With all the EPA Rules & Regs? I don't even git the Itch to look at anything NEW. (all tho.. I DO like that 08 450/550)



SDD Super Mod/Staff
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
Alabama The Beautiful
i will be keepin the 6.oh for a long time too. still gotta alot of things i would like to do to it.

i would like to add some of the features the new 08's will have. primarily the NAV system. hope it would work in my 04 :thumbs

maybe a tailgate swap, if i crush mine again, like i did early last year. forgot to drop mine before backing under the trailer -mad


Full Access Member
Feb 25, 2006
Reaction score
yeah.. i would like that navigation/radio too, or maybe thoses mirrors, since the cab is same as a 99

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