there is a guy in the same area as me that has an auto shop/powerstroke shop and he sells the hypermax line of performance parts and i have been in a few trucks that he has worked on and they were holy crap fast but they were all 7.3's but i looked at getting some of it on my truck but like in this case nobody has any info/inputs and the guy that sells this stuff here is a major d-bag unless your in his litttle group he told me he wanted $1100 bux for an uluminized exhaust for my 7.3 back in the day he claimed that it was cuz he had to have it shippied to him so apparently its like 500 bux to ship one to a dealer and he gets charged the same price for the system u can get it for on the internet
neways i almost ordered one of em a while back but just went with the sct again cuz of the safe bet