Here is how I usually do my oil/fuel filter change. After warming the engine some,
1)Drain oil and remove oil filter
2)Install new filter and close pan drain
3)Start draining fuel from the HFCM drain
4)Fill engine with oil
5)Pull the engine mounted fuel filter
6)Pull the HFCM filter and replace filter and plug
7)Replace engine mount fuel filter
8)Double check engine oil level
9)Cycle electric fuel pump three times
10)Start engine, check for leaks...blah blah...and record in my maint. notebook.
I do like to use a little oil on the new o-rings before putting the caps back on. And be carefull with the caps too, don't get to torque-happy or they may break.
As I mentioned before, I like to cycle the fuel pump three times. I don't know that there is a certian number or not, but that is my sop with it anyway. I let the electric pump go untill it shuts off, then kill the key and repeat. Same as Dave, I have never had a problem with it not firing afterward.
A few things you may want to look into for next time: The replacement International plug for the HFCM and the Fumoto valve... Both have been well discussed here and are both VERY nifty additions that will save you some time and frustrations.
Do as you like with the filters, but I do get mine from the local IH shop. They are the OEM recommended part, plus they are cheaper for me with a buddy
Finally, with the oil filter, be carefull when removing the old filter from the housing. There is a small plastic button that is fairly easy to break off at the top of the stand pipe. And here is why I know.
Over all, it is not bad to do, a little messy and takes some time, but not bad.