After 27 years I gave it all up . . . cigs, cigars, pipes - and was good for 8 years - but my passion for a good hand rolled cigar never died and so my vice is that.
Cigarettes on the other hand - can't stand them now and don't know how I ever did stand them.
I've never smoked myself, but have had many friends and family who have gone through the difficulty of trying to quit.
My mom used to smoke and I used to have asthma when I was little. In those days, little was known about the effects of second hand smoke. It was very probable that second hand smoke either caused or made worse many of my asthma attacks. I usally had to take pills when I had a serious asthma attacks and sometimes had to get shots. I don't think I would have had nearly the problems I did, had I not been exposed to the second hand smoke that I was. Thank God I grew out of the asthma as I got older. I never would have made it into the Air Force with asthma.
Congratulations!!!!!! You can do it. I have never smoked, but my wife did when we got married and she quite 33 years ago. In a few weeks you will be able to smell things again. Things like food and the perfume your wife wears. Then in a few more months you will say to someone, Them things didn't stink like that when I smoked um. LOL
Thanks, folks. I really do appreciate the good words and support. 7 days and it's been a snap so far, but if I start feeling pangs, there's something very simple I was reminded of during the seminar. It hurt to start smoking, but I really wanted to smoke so I put up with it. Now, I want to stop more than I ever wanted to start, and I'm positive I can take the discomfort of quitting.