Mike has "known" me for many years here and from elsewhere. He knows how ignorant I was in the beginning and I think he also knows how far I've come.
Ignorant? That's being a bit harsh on yourself dont you think Richard? I agree on the knowing each other for years though, probably a good 7+ years or so now.
I really dont have the time to try to keep up with all the social networking sites that are out there now. I prefer to do my networking here at SDD or over at OB where I have known some great guys and gals over the last number of years

. I hang out at one private MC site where there is a small group of riders that are from all over the country and we have all met and or ridden with one another over the years. As I mentioned I do have a myspace account and a FB account but almost never go to myspace at all anymore. I got tired of the friend collectors mostly

. I did reconnect with some high school friends at FB but to be honest, after you have made that initial contact and then one or two notes back and forth what is really left to talk about with a person you haven't seen in 20 or 30 years?

There is absolutely nothing in common anymore and it gets lame trying to act like I am interested in someone elses miserable life in short order.

But my SDD and OB friends rock!