So many haters on the all caps. I think he was just trying to say he was really excited

!!! I know I was.
So I ran to the Home Depot and picked up a few 12 9 and 6 inch demo blades. You guys were right. Those things kick ARSE!!! I bent the chepo 6 in 10 seconds. Used the 12 and 9 all day and they took one heck of beating

and they did great.
Haha it took me a little while in town guys and putting it all together..well if I haven't said it once all ready I'm a little slow when it comes to working on things. I like them for the sake of a project and I'm not the most adept mechanic, yet I try.
The only two slip ups of the whole day were:
#1: I didn't cut far enough back on the DP just off the Turbo Housing cause I couldn't get far enough back without it kicking up the blade. So I did the easy way and it cost me about 15 mintues of beating and more chopping before I got it to let go. I also chopped the bottom end like you said and that was a necessity. Slipped right out after that.
#2: I bought the exhaust of Flea-Bay and the place were a bunch of Bastardios's. They were just a warehouse and knew nothing about the product they were selling. Said it was a turbo back....yeah it was a DP back. Wondered why I was getting such a good deal. I figured what the heck if it is not there I will be paying a tad bit more but why not bet...I lost that one. Ohh yeah so anyway back to the point. The exhuast was for a Crew-Cab long bed. I told them in the notes and tried to call and say I had a short bed but nobody ever called me. Also on the page it said it would fit all long, crew short and crew long. Well they were right it would fit, but I had to do a bit of measuring and take off 12 inches of intermediate pipe. Not a big deal and took me 15 minutes to measure carefully and cut, but none the less they had me worried for a second there.
I don't think I cut enough of the firewall away as I get a bit of a vibration in the cab now and I can see where the DP is touching. Another day I will have to go back in there and cut a bit more away and beat it away. I had a hard time beating it down though so I might just live with it. I just cut the heck out of it with the sawsall and beat and pryied away until I got the pipe to fit.
As for your question yes I notice the difference and it is AWESOME!!! I didn't really think I would but I sure did. It doesn't sound quite as deep as I thought it would but it sure sounds a lot better as well. In the video there is no load so doesn't sound as good but I sure like it. Its good to have the extra HP now and it just feels tough with that intake done and the DP and exhaust...well that and becuase I can feel it rattling in the firewall
Here is a video I took. Ohh sorry for it taking a long time. I'm watching the 6th Sense with the wife. So much better the second time when you know the end

that and I have to use my wifes computer to upload pics and videos and for some reason her computer and you tube do not get along. Ok i have been waiting for over an hour for my youtube video to post but they must be overlaoded tonight. I will post it later.
Thanks again guys.
PS.....Ohh yeah wife caught a pic of my ARSE in the air while I was cutting away. She thought it was pretty funny so I thought I would share.

Ohh and I put up a pic of that EPBV Valve. I wanted to stick the sawsall in there and go to town but decided it would be a bad idea.