well, it's kind of hard to get fuel in the heater plenum without it being put there..
that's why I was thinking mold or fungus on the heater core..
there are various mold, mildew & fungus killers on the market designed for use in mobile AC systems..
check with your local parts store..
could even be a heater core starting to leak???
Good point.
Maybe a film, from fumes, has collected on some trapped condensate water.. only gets activated (stinks) by Heat ??
JR, you might [manually] drain the plenum area, by sticking a tube (straw) up thru the condensate drain tube on the bottom of the HAVC portion thats under the hood.. to make sure you don't have any liquids trapped it there. Then do like JLD sez: get some of that mold/mildew killer stuff.
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