Exhaust filter cleaning

The Lip

SDD Junior Member
Dec 20, 2009
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Mine goes through regen around every couple hundred miles.

Here are a couple of additional question I have.

1. When your truck goes through regen how often does it actually produce long traills of blue and white smoke? Mine does aound every 4th or 5th time. The other times the light indictes it's going through it cycle and nothing (like smoke coming out of the tailpipie happens. When this smoke does come out (and I do mean alot and for maybe 5 minutes) People look at this beautiful truck, drive next to me trying to get my attention and keep pointing to the back of the truck thinking that the thing is on fire and I'm not aware of it! It's very aggrevating and embarrasing! It sometimes reminds me as if the engine were "burning oil". Ford techs keep telling me that what I'm experiencing is normal and EXACTLY how the filter was meant to act.

2. Ford tells me that ALL 2008 and new diesels (no matter what brand Ford, Chevy, Dodge etc..) have this filter and act in the same manner. If this is true then how come don't I see other diesels acting in the same manner (i.e. white and blue smoke pouring out ramomly)?


SDD Junior Member
Jun 1, 2008
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North Haledon, NJ
My truck does the same thing. I havent actually figured out how often it does it but once in awhile, during regen, the truck does smoke like a B*tch. And yea i get the same embarrassment as you do with people flagging me down....


Full Access Member
Jun 17, 2008
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Flanders, NJ
I go through a regen about every 650 (+/-) miles (every second tank of fuel). I haven't noticed any smoke during the process, but I know when its coming, The truck gets (even more) sluggish than normal. I don't let it idle more than necessitated by New Jersey traffic and I drive it kind of like the old man that I am...


SDD Junior Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Raeford/North Carolina
I have been battling Ford for the last year with problems with my 2008 F250 FX4 JOB #3. No matter what they are telling ya'll. A little smoke, i.e. a few seconds, is normal every once in a while. Heavy smoke is not!!! Should have had my a** kicked for buying the first new of all these new upgrades, but hey, we make the best of it.

On your instrument panel, after the TSB that came out in January 2009, it will display the cleaning cycle. If it staying on for 20-30 miles and goes off when driving, then your truck has successfully completed regen. If it comes on and then goes off on the display after 2-3 seconds, then your truck is like mine and jacked up with a software issue that the computer diagnostic does not recognize.

White smoke: Alot of the 08 models have an issue with moisture build-up in the intercooler. Mine was bogging down and emitting heavy white smoke. Ford IS AWARE of this issue, BUT only offers a "quick fix", as they call it, to the problem, that is replacing the intercooler. That has been done on mine and I still experience the issue, though not as often has before, but still experience the issue.

Ford will tell you anything to keep from admitting a fault in their vehicles. Give Ford hell if your truck is driving properly.

The Lip

SDD Junior Member
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Guess I'm still in the dark about why some guys trucks "smoke" (like mine) w/ primarily white & (some) blue and some don't? My dealership says mine is totally normal operation. They don't agree with the concept, but say mine is acting exactly like it was designed to act.
I know there are "active" (heavy smoke) and "passive" (very little, if anything noticable) regens, but what can you do to reduce smoke? Driving habits? Additives? Obviously besides removing the DPF.
Modifying the system (i.e removing the DPF and putting in a Programmer for example) is just too great a risk if anything warranty related happens! My dealer told me (and believe me these guys are "gearheads") if they find that any warranty service performed on the drivetrain was caused by the modification ------ it's out of pocket! They then give me the proverbial example of -- IF a head gasket needed to be replaced this would be (in their diagnosis) caused by excesssive hp (i.e programmer, etc..). $5,000 OUT of POCKET! Due to the cab removal (in part). IMO WAY TOO GREAT a RISK!
What about these new 2011 diesels (whether Ford, Chevy or Dodge) they have to have DPF and regens cycles right? I heard that now, however, Ford is using urea (or something like that)to burn the soot in the DPF. The results still have to be the same though right? Smoking, with maybe better mileage because you're not using perfectly good fuel to burn the soot, but rather this additive. The additive, however, as the guys at the dealership tell me is reported to cost $50 -$60 / gal. and may need to be added every 6 -7 mos. Don't know how accurate this info is just what I heard. Can anyone shed any additional light on this?


SDD Junior Member
Apr 14, 2010
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Peralta, New Mexico
ive got 8,800 on mine, usually goes through regen about every 350 miles

I have 13,600 on mine and it goes through a regen about the same, 325 to 350 miles.

additive, however, as the guys at the dealership tell me is reported to cost $50 -$60 / gal. and may need to be added every 6 -7 mos. Don't know how accurate this info is just what I heard. Can anyone shed any additional light on this?

I have heard the same from my dealer about the additive. I had not heard anything about the cost though.


SDD Junior Member
Apr 15, 2010
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6.4 Powerstroke white smoke

Mine jusy spent a month at the dealer. after 2 visits and 2 reprogrammings i filled the fuel tank added the the Motocraft fuel addiditive took it back to the dealer gave the keys to the service manger. He drove it for about 2 weeks with a flight recorder on it. then one day poof out came the white smoke..boost dropped to zero..power went away he hit the record button.

2 more weeks with Ford Engineers reprogramming and changing parts and now no more smoke, regen is every 600 to 900 miles depending on driving habits. What they replaced was the cold air sensor and charged air cooler.

If you are having issue with your dealer ask them to out the flight recorder on your truck. Some errors just do not get recorded on the onboard system. It may mean the service manager is driving your truck .. we had the option.

I have been battling Ford for the last year with problems with my 2008 F250 FX4 JOB #3. No matter what they are telling ya'll. A little smoke, i.e. a few seconds, is normal every once in a while. Heavy smoke is not!!! Should have had my a** kicked for buying the first new of all these new upgrades, but hey, we make the best of it.

On your instrument panel, after the TSB that came out in January 2009, it will display the cleaning cycle. If it staying on for 20-30 miles and goes off when driving, then your truck has successfully completed regen. If it comes on and then goes off on the display after 2-3 seconds, then your truck is like mine and jacked up with a software issue that the computer diagnostic does not recognize.

White smoke: Alot of the 08 models have an issue with moisture build-up in the intercooler. Mine was bogging down and emitting heavy white smoke. Ford IS AWARE of this issue, BUT only offers a "quick fix", as they call it, to the problem, that is replacing the intercooler. That has been done on mine and I still experience the issue, though not as often has before, but still experience the issue.

Ford will tell you anything to keep from admitting a fault in their vehicles. Give Ford hell if your truck is driving properly.

The Lip

SDD Junior Member
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
"Mine jusy spent a month at the dealer. after 2 visits and 2 reprogrammings i filled the fuel tank added the the Motocraft fuel addiditive took it back to the dealer gave the keys to the service manger. He drove it for about 2 weeks with a flight recorder on it. then one day poof out came the white smoke..boost dropped to zero..power went away he hit the record button.

2 more weeks with Ford Engineers reprogramming and changing parts and now no more smoke, regen is every 600 to 900 miles depending on driving habits. What they replaced was the cold air sensor and charged air cooler.

If you are having issue with your dealer ask them to out the flight recorder on your truck. Some errors just do not get recorded on the onboard system. It may mean the service manager is driving your truck .. we had the option."[/I]

Great info. I may take mine back to the dealer and have them do the same thing. I don't mind a "little" smoke, but like I said once and a while mine "billows out" quite a bit. A trail that can be seen a couple hundred yards behind me. Other cars actually start backing off thinking there is something wrong with my truck.
My additional question (to our panel) is when you mention "based on your driving habits" can you clarify? Do you mean if you "baby" the throttle response it shouldn't smoke as often and as much OR just the opposite? Meaning the truck "wants" to be driven hard and then will produce less smoke?
Steve -
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SDD Junior Member
Oct 8, 2010
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Ok so it happened to me today ..... For the first time since I bought my Truck I witnessed a regen and it scared the heck out of me . I thought for sure I had a serious problem . Glad to find all the info here


SDD Junior Member
Nov 3, 2010
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I never thought there would be a filter to be cleaned on the exhaust. Does it have a muffler bearing too :tounge

So what is this regen? Mine has two fuel tanks one for diesel and one for emissions additive, supposedly it is used at a rate of one tank every other oil change. Will this change the regen issue?

I have much to read on my truck and dig thru the manual.


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