I would also recommend changing out your steering stabilizer and check the front sway-bar bushings. Your Ex shouldn't be wandering under any condition our's is lifted and on 315's with now wander. What air pressure do you have in it with out a load? It kind of makes me wonder if you have a tire that is slightly out of round.
Yes to the above. My 350 seemed to wander some, more than I felt comfortable with anyway.. so I installed a Safe T Plus stabilizer.. Center loaded at 20 lbs..
Now, with 4040K on the steering axle, 5980K on the drive axle and 8820K on the trailer axles (Cat Scale).. it tracks Strait & True.
Tire(s) out of Round issues ? I recently bought 6, GoodYear GS647, RSS 235-85-R16s.. Had all 6, Sipped (shaved) for True Round.. Road Force balanced.
Then, using Load Chart to get some <basic> psi's per tire, I've ended up with: 68 in the fronts, 60 in the DRWs and 68 in the 5r tires. (20 psi in the Ride-Rites)
Along with the Centra-Matics (I know, I know

I know this is the EX towing forum and this may all seem like TMI about my 2K DRW, but IMO, Towing is Towing, we need to know all these weight numbers, tire brand specs and after market set-ups (if any)... And deal with it all to get the handling and ride we want ??
Again JMO but, there just isn't A vehicle out there that we can just Hook Up and Go.. with. Selling or Trading, MAY not fix anything

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