huh??? Do you have before and after mixed up?
nah...some time ago i upgraded the sub amp...w/ a new JL 500/1
mono-block...whe i did that i had to move everthing around...including
a 1.5f cap (that will no longer fit on the board under the seat).
I havent gotten around to cutting a new mounting board, drilling
the holes and carpeting it YET...
Wow...pretty ugly. Doesn't look they even
tried to make that look good.
I could probably stand that for my own vehicle, but I wouldn't do that to someone else's for sure!
BTW -- want to sell one of your old amps?
all my own behind the eight ball having done some amp upgrades...
eventually itll look like it did before (little or no wires exposed)....
this takes more work than most imagine....gotta mount all the stuff
on a naked board and mark the location for all the holes that will need
to be drilled...then pull everthing apart, feed all the signal lines, power
leads, grounds and then RE-MOUNT everything.
thought yall would get a kick outta the spaghetti.
heres a photo of the 1.5f used to be under the seat
between the amps (when there was room) least NOW
w/ it mounted on the rear wall i can see the DRAIN of the
digital capacitor.