CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
I took my last quiz yesterday for my basic welding class I've been taking for the last 5 weeks or so. The final is next week.
The tuition for the class is based on the 4 semester hours credit for the class.
This is how things have transpired:
The only day the instructor took attendance was on day #1.
Attendenace was not required to pass the class.
Tests included 4 quizes & 1 final. All are open note, open textbook, and "open classmate".
All the 25 final exam questions come from the total of 100 questions on the 4 quizes. The graded quizes are returned, the final is "open quiz" also.
The lab assignments include 8 graded welds, 4 done with SMAW/stick and 4 done with MIG/wire feed. Also 2 cuts, one with a cutting torch & one with a plasma cutter.
The last assignment was a paper to be turned in. The shocking thing was it wasn't anything that I had to actually write. I could have printed out a Wikipedia article if I wanted to and that would have sufficed. (I did actually write a paper out of a need to satisfy my personal ethical standards.)
It is mathematicly possible to pass the course just by aceing the quizes, the final and turning in your plagerized paper, all without even touching a welder.
I can totally blow off the final, and still get an A-. I only need 7 of 25 points on the final to get a full A.
Even though I have realized some benefit from the class, it wasn't to the level of 4 semester hours and/or $1000+ tuition.
Overall, now that I have the benefit of hindsight, I'm feeling rather cheated.
The cost/benefit just wasn't there.
The tuition for the class is based on the 4 semester hours credit for the class.
This is how things have transpired:
The only day the instructor took attendance was on day #1.
Attendenace was not required to pass the class.
Tests included 4 quizes & 1 final. All are open note, open textbook, and "open classmate".
All the 25 final exam questions come from the total of 100 questions on the 4 quizes. The graded quizes are returned, the final is "open quiz" also.
The lab assignments include 8 graded welds, 4 done with SMAW/stick and 4 done with MIG/wire feed. Also 2 cuts, one with a cutting torch & one with a plasma cutter.
The last assignment was a paper to be turned in. The shocking thing was it wasn't anything that I had to actually write. I could have printed out a Wikipedia article if I wanted to and that would have sufficed. (I did actually write a paper out of a need to satisfy my personal ethical standards.)
It is mathematicly possible to pass the course just by aceing the quizes, the final and turning in your plagerized paper, all without even touching a welder.
I can totally blow off the final, and still get an A-. I only need 7 of 25 points on the final to get a full A.
Even though I have realized some benefit from the class, it wasn't to the level of 4 semester hours and/or $1000+ tuition.
Overall, now that I have the benefit of hindsight, I'm feeling rather cheated.
The cost/benefit just wasn't there.