Hoss 350
My GSP, Dutch
Of course emissions controls do not result in an 80% reduction in economy (like the 40 MPG reduction in your example) so the results would not be so extreme. However, I think the 80% reduction in emissions is probably understating the actual benefits of pollution controls today. On a gasser, the ratio is more like 99.5% to 0.5%. On a diesel, it is probably like 90/10 or so.draftlover said:Here is my simplified example: Vehicle A has tons of emission control stuff on it. Vehicle B has none. Vehicle A gets 10 MPG while putting out 90% CO2 and Water and 10% Pollution related materials per gallon. Vehicle B Gets 50 MPG and puts out 50% CO2 and Water and 50% pollution related materials per gallon.
Which, as my previous post states, the EPA seems to be missing out on completely. I am assuming you are referring to pollution caused in drilling, refining, shipping, etc all the extra oil. For whatever reason, the EPA just forgets all about it. I agree with what you are saying here.Which one pollutes less? I say car B. It's the same, but I can go 150 miles on 3 gallons where car A has to burn 15 Gallons. Less fuel burned, better for the environment all around.
Or when someone puts a cat delete pipe on their truck.... Oh heck, I said I was done being a nanny goat, didn't I? Never mind, you guys go ahead and tear all the emissions crap off your trucks, see if I care...And keep in mind this only stays true as long as the "cat" is good and kept in working order. As soon as it fails this goes all to hell.

Oh yes, I believe that we have gotten back to the root of the thread, which is that the EPA is now "one of Them". Your honor, I rest my case...m sure my point is null and void, as the EPA is a government bureaucracy like everything else. They don't look at the big picture, only the part of the picture they're assigned to. In other words, all the environmental impacts of drilling for oil, transportation of fuel, processing of fuel, traffic congestion issues, economic impacts to the private citizen for purchasing fuel, economic impacts of companies selling fuel (I'm sure Exxon loves the EPA!!), cost of R&D to vehicle and oil companies, costs passed on to the consumer, and all the other associated environmental, economic and social impacts are dealt with by other bureaucratic agencies. So, It really doesn't matter about the other stuff. I love the U.S,![]()
Or, we could do what I said we should do and RAISE efficiency as much as possible, eliminating the need for PM traps, EGR's and all that crap, and then inject Urea intot he enhaust stream to get rid of NOx and have our 27 MPG trucks and breathe in them, too! Man, I need a job at the EPA as a whip-cracker. I'd get "Them" into shape real quick...