I don't see why not? Another way you could do it....would be messy, but leave the valve covers off, and one at a time, unplug each connector on the injector and see which ones make a difference.
What if you try to powerbrake it? If it'll do it when you powerbrake, then you could disconnect one injector at a time and re-powerbrake to see which ones are acting up. Maybe also do a compression test?
Nothing whil powerbraking. I did feel it at about 1300 rpm this morning when it was still cold (EOT < 50*) CCT is invalid when pedal motion is detected. I did a compression test in July:
I order injector o-rings and an IPR o-ring kit yesterday. Plan is to pull, inspect, and replace injector o-rings. Pull IPR clean and replace o-rings. Hopefully int will be something obvious like a cracked nozzle.