jopes said:
Who has the best deals on those auto matic turbo cooler thingys where they idle the engine to cool the egt temps after you turn the engine off.
i have two modes with my viper
30 minute run or a 3 minute run depending on which button you push
I use the 30 minute all the time doing errands
under 400 smackers
plus a remote start and key out walk away .
the remote start i have found will come on often, like when i am working under the truck and forget i have em, say in the pocket i just rolled over on and bzzzzzzz goes the prestart and VROOM shes running. real nice
or sitting at diner and look out the window and notice the truck is running, and my keys are hanging on the hook
but wifeys purse is crunched up in the corner of the couch. starting and stopping the truck
real nice