Edge Platinum VS. SCT


SDD Junior Member
Jun 18, 2005
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Troy, MO
Not yet. For a while, it looked like Edge had lost it. They said they had no record of it at all. When I called them back on Monday, they did somemore digging and found it. It was shipped last Thursday and is due here on Tuesday. I will let you know how it works after I have had it installed for a few days.

UPDATE: Got the Evo today and installed it. I bumped the line pressure up 10% on the 1-2 and 4-5 shifts and 15% on the 2-3 and 3-4 shifts and took it for a drive. WOW!!!!! Talk about firming the shifts up!!! This thing shifts :sweet I will let ya know what I think after a few days, but the initial observation is that this is exactly what the Juice needs... :thumbs
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SDD Junior Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Sweet! Good news!!! Let us know how it goes. :sweet

Did you get the evo with the trans only tune or with trans, 60 and 100hp tunes?

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SDD Junior Member
Jun 18, 2005
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Troy, MO
The Evo comes with all three. I just loaded the trans only tune. Based on my first impressions, I highly recommend this for anyone who already has the Juice and is looking to firm up those shifts. I'll let you know if I find any bugs in it after a few days.


SDD Junior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Troy, MO
Well, here is the latest update, as promised:

Just to be sure you know all the factors involved, I was using the "Trans only" tune in conjunction with my Juice (no Attitude).

Initially, the shifting was great!! HOWEVER, as I got more miles on her, I started noticing the shifts were all getting firmer the more I drove it, to the point they were down right harsh..... It started out as just the shift into OD being too firm, then the shifts into 2nd and 3rd started becoming harsh too....... I tried backing them down some and was back to the standard setting on the shift to OD. No help at all..... In Tow/Haul, every shift was even more extreme. The weird part was, if you floored it, the shifts were still really nice...... but at anything less than full throttle, they were WAAAAAY to hard. Then, to make matters worse, I went to KC to pick up a horse and on the way back, it started acting really weird..... If my speed dropped at all, (like going down a small grade, then up another one) when I tried to accelerate, it would smoke like a freight train and started bucking really bad.... I mean REALLY BAD!! The whole truck was shaking violently....... :cussing: -mad Using the factory programming, it would have downshifted there, but with the Evo in, it was like it was hung in gear and didn't want to downshift...... The further I went, the worse it got. At one point, I was questioning whether or not I was going to make it all the way home or not. When I got home, I returned the tranny to stock programming and took it for a drive..... It seems ok now..... The shifting is back to where it was before.

I have since talked to Edge about it. They had no real answer for what was happening with the bucking situation, but believe the adaptive learning strategy of the tranny may be what caused the harsh shifting. According to them, the standard "Trans only" tune has already raised the line pressure somewhere between 5% and 10%. They told me to try re-installing the "trans only" tune and leave all the pressure settings except the shift to OD at the standard setting and back that one down to either -5% or -10%. They also said if I continue to have the problem, to get back with them and they will send me a different Evo to try, because they believe it would have to be in my particular programmer if it continues to be a problem.

I will try their suggestion and see what happens and report back on what I learn. :cowboy:

UPDATE: I tried their suggestions last night and drove it for quite a while. It seemed to help, but as I was experimenting with different settings, I ended up getting an error message saying "Programming interrupted". Fortunately, I had the stock programming re-installed at the time. I called Edge today and they are shipping me a new Evo out to try. Gotta hand it to them, they are certainly doing all they can at this point. :sweet

I will again update when I get the new one.
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SDD Junior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Troy, MO
Ok, here is the latest...... I got the new unit Friday afternoon and loaded it. It went in like it should. I set it as follows:

I manually set the axle ratio at 4.10 (which is what my axle ratio is), and the shift settings were set at "0" for the 1-2, 2-3 and 3-4 shifts. The 4-5 shift was set at -10%..... I only had time for a short drive Friday night and could tell it did in fact load. Saturday, I had the chance to drive it for a real test. The shifts are definitely firm, but not obnoxious. My wife still thinks they are too hard, but I don't. One thing I did notice is that the adaptive learning strategy is still in play, because the shifts definitely adjust over time to how you are driving. So far, I give it a :sweet The real test will be over the next several days, as the first one seemed fine for a while then started tightening up too much. I should know in a few days if this one is working better. I'll keep ya posted.......:cowboy:

Latest update: After driving it for a day or so, I began to agree with the wife.... The 4-5 shift was a little too firm..... I called Edge and talked to them about it. I spoke to Nate. He ended up talking to the programmers and called me back. They suggested I try taking the 4-5 shift down to -20% and try it. I told them I was a little concerned that I was going to be softening that shift up to below the stock Ford programming if I went that soft. He informed me that this isn't even possible. Apparently, the "0" setting is a 25% increase over the stock pressure, so anything above -25% is an increase in line pressure!! I took tried their suggestion last evening and today.....:sweet :sweet :sweet BTW, I also ended up backing the 1-2 down to -5% to make it a little less sharp...... I think this one is the answer I have been looking for..... It is still firm enough at WOT to get a good clean, crisp shift, yet not a kick in the tail at normal throttle positions........ I am now a happy camper!!!:thumbs :thumbs

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SDD Junior Member
Sep 9, 2005
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Placerville, CA
Beware!!! You may have already done in that Torqueshift! I had the same setup as you in my '04 and killed two trannys! If you add any amount of power to the 6.0 it will eventually puke your trans. This is not an opinion
it is a proven fact. The guts in a TS trans cannot handle any added power
and they will fail. The tuners that help adjust shift points and mess with
hydralic pressure are only masking the inevitable. Not trying to be a downer, but I hate to see someone spend extra dough for nothing! Get some info on
trans upgrades. You will be glad you did.:sweet


SDD Junior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Troy, MO
Shawnrans said:
Beware!!! You may have already done in that Torqueshift! I had the same setup as you in my '04 and killed two trannys! If you add any amount of power to the 6.0 it will eventually puke your trans. This is not an opinion
it is a proven fact. The guts in a TS trans cannot handle any added power
and they will fail. The tuners that help adjust shift points and mess with
hydralic pressure are only masking the inevitable. Not trying to be a downer, but I hate to see someone spend extra dough for nothing! Get some info on
trans upgrades. You will be glad you did.:sweet

I appreciate your concern and am not saying it won't happen, since anything is possible. I will say this, I have talked to one of the best tranny guys in the business about the TorqShift. He has had some apart and evaluated the weak points. According to him, the TS can handle up to 100hp just fine, as long as you adhere to a few simple rules:

1) Do not drag race it (including dusting the ricer next to you at a stop light).
2) Do not lift it and put bigger tires on it.
3) Do not stack power boxes.
4) Do not tow over the GVWR/GCWR.

My tranny may go out tomorrow, who knows, but I have had my Juice in for 35,000 miles with no slipping at all. I run it in the 60hp mode virtually all the time (I could count on both hands the number of times I have been in the 100hp mode) and have adhered to the above advice. The only reason I added the Evo is because I prefer a firmer shift than the factory programming has. Now that I have the Evo figured out, I am getting what I wanted.:sweet Only time will tell if the tranny will last or not.:cowboy:


SDD Junior Member
Oct 19, 2005
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Shawnrans said:
Beware!!! You may have already done in that Torqueshift! I had the same setup as you in my '04 and killed two trannys! If you add any amount of power to the 6.0 it will eventually puke your trans. This is not an opinion
it is a proven fact. The guts in a TS trans cannot handle any added power
and they will fail. The tuners that help adjust shift points and mess with
hydralic pressure are only masking the inevitable. Not trying to be a downer, but I hate to see someone spend extra dough for nothing! Get some info on
trans upgrades. You will be glad you did.:sweet

Edge has always been known as a tranny killer. Thats a proven fact.
I disagree with your point about the TS being weak.SCT tuned trucks(mine for one)are happy at 400 plus h.p.
It's all in the tranny program.:sweet

Mark Craig

Advertising Sponsor
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
Franklin, Tn

I tend to agree with you on that Nummit. The Edge Platinum I have now in my 6.0 has all the reprogramming features and my tranny has NEVER shifted as well as it does now. I have had Superchips, Predators, Bully Dog and most anything else you can name in it in the past and this is so far the best!

Mark @ DPPI

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