CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
wat else could i look and besides a set of stage 1s for it.. fuel system? hpop?
Between talking to Jody at DP Tuner and Bean of Bean's Diesel Performance, what I've been told about injectors is that compared to split shots, more HP and MPG can be had from single shots. All while needing less demand of the HPOP.
Now one thing to remember about the early 99, is the HPOP is a tad smaller than the 99.5 HPOP. The 99.5 HPOP is refered to a 17* where the early one is a 15*. I've lit the SES light many times without much effort and my Autoenginuity has told me it is a low HPOP output pressure. I notice the SES light comes on easier with warmer oil vs cooler oil, so I'm assuming the pressure stays higher with cooler/thicker oil. There are several aftermarket HPOP's out there but they cost some serious $$$$. From what I've heard any OEM replacement HPOP is of the 17* type, which fits any early 99 or OBS 7.3 just fine.
The injectors I got from Bean's are AC injectors which are sometimes refered to as a Stage 1. The AC injectors are actually a stock high output single shot injector. Several vendor websites say the single shot Stage 1's will put out upwards of 50 more HP than other stock AD code split shots. Single shots in a Superduty 7.3 need custom tuning, without it, it idles like crap.
As for the fuel sytem, the more important/beneficial mods are the "Hutch" mod and shimming the FPR to bring the fuel pressure up to a ballpark range of 65-70 psi. The "Hutch" mod eliminates problem spots in the fuel tank pickup assembly and delivery system where air is sucked into the fuel causing injector noise and poor runnning. This involves dropping the tank or lifting the pickup bed. As long as your in there, it doesn't hurt to do a "Harpoon" mod which cuts the internal vent tube short, making for faster fill-ups at the gas station. For most folks, any further fuel system mods are rather pointless. Few folks build 7.3's to in excess of 400HP. The fuel system mods I've listed should suffice for those of us looking for a better running engine below the more extreme 400+HP levels.