Deviant Diesel
Sooting 1 jerk @ a time!
Getcha a set of these, I'm sure nobody will miss ya then.

You mentioned a relay and made me think about the problem I keep having. I have a lifted dually and when backing up my enclosed trailer at night its terrible, the damn wheel well clearance lights are too bright to see past and I have to shut them off. Most of my hauling ends at night with me backing the full lenght of my uphill driveway.
If I could wire up a relay that would cut them out when the turn signal was blinking it would also blink the clearance lights (out of phase though), and I could then easily hook up a lead to turn them off when the backup lights are on. but after all that thinking, the lights would also go out when I hit the brakes so it wouldnt be all that of a good idea. F