I would stay away from the foam tubing. It will work at first, but I've heard it collapes over time. On top of that...I would not think that would be fun trying to get that fed through.
**Very true
that makes sense. I'll go to home depot today to check the price on the rolls of vinyl tubing.
Hints ?
Do ONE seal, at a time.
Mark the body/jam, where to door seal seam meets.. before you take it off. Start from there, when you put it back on.
Pour or pump the soapy water into the whole door seal length. (I use a pump~sprayer)
Work on a floor, or flat surface... the length of the door seal.
Trim the end of the vinyl tubing, into a Point, hook the wire to it, trim any "hooks" off and tape it... Less likely to snag, as you pull/work the tubing thru.
Have one helper sloowly pull.. while you kinda "milk" the door seal as the tubing moves along... as another kinda keeps the seal as strait as possible.
Hang the whole thing up.. for a minute or 5.. to let it drain some*.
Works for Me
* yul proly have a drip or 7, after you re-install'm.. but it'll soon dry up.