CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
Sounds like yer battery connections are corroded/dirty from set'n. Clean'm up real good and try it again.. bet the o'l boy'l fire right up.
These things (almost Any vehicle anymore) are Volt/Amp sensitive. Any shot of 12v will make any 12v bulb light up.. but the ECM/PCM and Starter ? No Way.
What he said x2.
The TGmobile was crankin a bit slow earlier this week, too slowly for the above freezing temps we had. I pulled the battery cable connectors off and sure enough, they looked somewhat cruddy. I grabbed a battery post cleaning brush and cleaned up all four connections.
It's crankin' a lot better now.
It's been my experience that when the temps start to drop, weak batteries and/or bad connections will start to make themselves known.