Señor Aceite de Soja
My issue is that since I upgraded to a 200 amp alternator four years ago the charge needle falls way to the left every time I stop at a red light especially with my headlights and vegoil heaters on. Once I start moving it goes far to the right again. Never had a problem with it but it doesn't seem right. I don't know much about the AIC except that it raises the idle. Don't know if I have to switch it on and off at every red light. The AIC mods that I've read up on use a toggle switch. However, I have a DP Tuner chip with high idle but never drive with it on. I don't want a redundant function with two separate mods (chip & AIC) or do I?
Spoke to a friend who drives a Powerstroke ambulance but it's an '03 and his AIC is automatically on when his top flashers and e-brake are on.
I really don't know for sure that the upgrade alternator had anything to do with the needle. I always thought the problem was due to the different pulley size on the 200 amp.
So do I need an AIC?
Spoke to a friend who drives a Powerstroke ambulance but it's an '03 and his AIC is automatically on when his top flashers and e-brake are on.
I really don't know for sure that the upgrade alternator had anything to do with the needle. I always thought the problem was due to the different pulley size on the 200 amp.
So do I need an AIC?