Im getting about 13.9 to 14.2/3 and both batteries are new. Timed it tonight and it does it from 55 to 61 seconds, it has to sit for about 15 minutes to do it again. If you shut it right off and try it, doesnt do it.
Absolutely mine does too. Our glow plugs are not dictated by the wait to start light. The wait to start light stays on a time interval calculated by the pcm based on engine oil temp and engine coolant temp. Your glow plugs can stay on for up to two minutes after startup. A proper functioning glowplug system can pull upwards of 100 amps...that's more than the factory charging system puts out, so if your voltometer doesn't drop its time to worry cause the glow plug system isn't working.
You guys are awsome, this diesel stuff has been a little scary. Let me get my hands on a helocopter and its all good, but this is a whole new learning experience. Thanks for the help.
I owned a GM 6.5 diesel before this truck, the glows would cycle also but the wait to start light would flash with it. I've noticed this occuring on my truck also and have tried to give a little gas and hold the rpms around 1000 and you would notice the volt meter surging for approx 40-50 seconds due to the glows cycling.