I take pride in my Super Duty and like to keep it as shiny as a new penny. I usually get it washed outside Walmart by the local Boy Scouts, Field Hockey team, etc. Sometimes I will hit the car wash. But this weekend, in an uncharacteristic burst of ambition, I figured I would save the money and do it myself. Got out the wisk broom, vacuum, etc and started with the interior. A roll of paper towels, what was left of the wife's Windex, and an hour later the interior was pristine. Now for the exterior. Find a bucket, car wash soap, a couple rags, repair the hose, and I'm on my way. Another hour sails by, and I'm having a tough time cleaning the 18" factory wheels, as the brake dust is apparently the same as powder coating. I run in the house, dig thru the kitchen cabinets, and find a stiff brush that will get in there and clean between those pesky spokes. Actually looked pretty good when I finally finished. 3 hours later. Never again. And after I went out and bought more paper towels and Windex, I had the pleasure of explaining to Mrs. F350DRW1 just how I destroyed her new Tupperware bottle brush.