SDD Junior Member
about a week ago when i went to start my truck the starter made a weird noise. it did it once more after that another time. but when iwent to start my truck last nite it had no power. when i put the key in and turn it the first click all the guages shoot up to the max then go back to nothing. ( speedo goes to 100 mph then goes back to 0) then when i try to start it there is no power. im assuming its my alternator but when the key is in the ignition there is a black module on the passenger side firerwall about the tire that is makin a rattling noise like something is vibratig inside it. the only way my truck will start is when i hook the booster cables up and let is gain a charge. im just curious if anyone had any ideas of what might be my problem. and what that black module is vibrating. thanks. WW