No, it did not. It came with enough hose to go from the steel fuel line to the filter and from the filter to the pump.
It's looking like this is a problem that was there before I got the filter, I just didn't realize it because I did not have a guage. I certainly cannot put any blame on Bob
I had someone suggest, even before I was aware of this problem, that I should run some 3/8" fuel hose from the tank to the filter instead of using the stock steel fuel line. They told me the fuel will flow a lot better that way as oppossed to the pump trying to pull it through a "narrow steel straw." Does his suggestion sound reasonable to you?
I think I'm going to have to find the time and the courage to try and drop the tank, which is 3/4 full of fuel right now

, and at the least clean off the strainer. Maybe even remove it? If I get that far, I think I'll run the 3/8" hose instead of the metal fuel line.
Do you think I'm on the right track?